I am looking for some advice on how to tackle our bedtime problems.
Whilst I have previously posted on here re NWs etc, up until about 2.5 weeks ago we had a little girl who went to bed quite easily.
The routine up to then was bathtime, clean teeth, into PJs. Then story and milk sitting on our knee before putting her into her bed and saying night night. She used to settle herself relatively quickly maybe chatting or singing a little but was generally asleep by 7,7.15pm.
Bedtimes were going well so we switched to a duvet as she was taking herself out of the sleeping bag occasionally in the night. That went fine, and she seems to love having a duvet and pillow.
For about 4 weeks ago between my husband and I we have been away a lot and I think we have done some accidental parenting.
I was away with work for 4 nights, and although she didn't seem too upset whilst I was away she would mess about with DH a bit more and ask for more milk, he on a couple of nights gave her some more milk and she would then settle and go to sleep.
He was then away for a week, but bedtimes were fine with me.
Then 2.5 weeks ago as he was back she wouldn't let him do anything and would be very clingy to me. The monday and tuesday evenings he did bathtime but she wanted me to put her to bed, and we had lots of standing up and crying at end of cot so I held her (probably too much) until she settled and then lay down.
The wednesday evening I went out at 6.30pm to a gym class, when I came back at 8.30 pm she was hysterically crying. He had tried comforting, an extra bottle pf milk, walk in walk out, the works. I went in and she calmed and finally got her to sleep about 9pm.
Then for the rest of that week I did bedtimes which went ok.
Then last week I was away for work again.
Tuesday night was dreadful for him, finally got her asleep by lying with her on our bed until she went to sleep at 9.30pm and he transferred her. Wednesday/Thursday were 1 hour battles but things better by Fri-Sun with her settling within 20 mins of first lay down, but only after additional bottles of milk.
I was back on Monday evening.
I have had three nights of 1 hour + bedtimes, with her crying saying she doesn't want to lie in cot, wants to lie on Mummy's bed, I held out for 30 mins of just holding her but she just cried it over and over again. gave in and had a quick cuddle in our bed then lay her down and told her it was bedtime and that was it. Well hysterical again and then didn't want me wanted Daddy, who finally got her settled.
We know that we have made errors, I also struggle with the guilt of having to work away (but I can't change that).
We have tried reducing her daytime nap,- she would happily have 2 hours at the childminders but we have cut it down to between 1 1/4- 1/1/2 hours, yesterday that resulted in a meltdown and refusal of bath as she said she was too tired?!!
DH has been googling 2.5 year old bedtime battles and the advice he is getting from babycentre is effectively the controlled crying. Having never really used that, I am reluctant, however the comforting approach just seems to extend the messing around.
To put into context where we were 3 weeks ago I said, 'Ok her bedtimes are so goo now that at the end of march we are going to knock the milk on the head at bedtime and just go through the 2-3 nonsense of her wanting it' well I feel like we have totally regressed.
So I know we both need to adopt the same consistent strategy, which I assume involves, not taking her out of the bedroom, and no extra bottles of milk when she asks. She does have persistence though and can cry for 2 hours + but perhaps we just have to live with that.
I just want some straightforward sensible steps to try, I hate her being so upset when she used to enjoy story and cuddle before bedtime
Please help
Thank you xx