I started implementing EASY with my son when he was about a month old. We had good success with naps and at around 4 months I was able to put him down and leave the room while he fell asleep. I assumed at this point night time wakings would decrease ....but they didn't and we got very lost somewhere between then and now. He learnt to crawl at 7 months and by 8 months separation anxiety was in full swing, and I was no longer able to leave the room until after he fell asleep, or he would just stand in his crib and scream. Now we have been working on decreasing night feeds since January but he still wakes multiple times.
He is breast fed, and eats solid food well during the day.
His schedule is
Wake 6:30 - 7:00
Nurse 5 -10 mins
Breakfast 8:00
Activity till 10.00
Nap 10:00- 11.15 or 30
Nurse 5 - mins
Activity 11:30 - 1
Activity 1:30 - 2:30
Nurse 5 mins ( doesn't fall asleep)
Nap 2:30 - 4:00
Supper 5:30 or 6:00
Bedtime routine starts around 7:15
Nurse 7:45
Falls asleep unassisted, but with me in the room at 8:00
He usually wakes around 11:00, if I don't nurse him he wakes again at 12:00, he nurses, on good nights he then sleeps until 4:00 or 5:00, on bad nights he wakes at every hour or 2 and although may settle fairly easily, will wake every time we leave his room. This can go on for an hour. The last couple of nights my husband or I just ended up sleeping in there too!
If he nursed at 5:00 he will sleep till 7:00, if at 4:00 he will wake up between 6:00 and 6:30 and will only go back to sleep if I feed him. I usually only feed on one side, but I have big breasts and that always seemed sufficent.
I tried shifting his bedtime to 7 but that didn't work, he was waking earlier, resisting naps and have lower quality sleep during naps. He seemed over tired and cranky.
His bedtime routine is bath, pajamas, breast feed, then into his cot awake and I sing him a lullaby. I then stand there or sit in a chair while he settles himself to sleep, same as naps. Sometimes I have to lay him down a few times, other times he will do that himself.
Should I just night wean him altogether? Do I be need to leaving the room to see if he will learn who to settle himself, I am not comfortable with this but I am also in desperate need of more sleep.
Thank you for your help.