He is so inconsistent it is hard for me to have consistency with him.
Well, he is a baby, hun:p Whatever approach you choose - be consistent whether it is co-sleeping or APOPing to sleep or in sleep training. It is unfair to change the game on them and babies do thrive with routines and predictability. With EASY, the simple rule is to separate feeds & sleep with small activities like changing his diaper, looking out of the window, go for a short walk and so on. Try to keep any overly stimulating activities at the beginning of the A time.
I know how tiring these NWs can be. My DD's birth weight was very low and I had to feed her every 2 hours around the clock. It was exhausting. But as she started gaining, she started going longer stretches at night. One thing that I am sure helped us was bottle feeding with expressed milk at night feeds. I would get up and pump while DH would give her the bottle.
I also got in a bad habit of cosleeping since I was tired and thinking he is waking frequently now because of it since after 2-3 NW I was just being him into bed because I am falling asleep nursing him.
You did what you needed to do for both of you to get some rest. Don't worry about it. Plenty of mums co-sleep for this exact same reason.
So you are saying to have night time and bedtime at the same times not BT routine?
I don't understand what you mean here, hun.
So I need to have him trying to go down by 7 not by 8 if 7 is first wake up time? If that's the case I'd like going for 8 or 9 and I'll let this early morning wakings be part of NW still.
Well, if wishes were horses, right:p Once he is caught up on sleep, you can try moving towards an 8-8 routine or 9-9 - whatever you wish. I don't know how well that would work though as I think 7ish - 7ish is their natural cycle. The best bedtime is between 7 & 8 pm because babies and children in general are naturally early risers. But for now, if he is waking at 7 everyday, sticking to a bedtime of 7 or 7.30 would be best. You should start waking him up at a fixed time everyday and putting him to sleep at a fixed time.
So as to my original question of how/where to start should I just start slowly 10m or so be lengthening and shortening where I can/need to get him on the schedule I want?
In the link about starting EASY, there are age-wise sample routines. Maybe you could go through them and pick a routine that you feel will work for you? The routine at this age is pretty basic. You will have to keep working on extending naps as he is still learning to transition.
What do you mean by keeping sleep and eat times separate? By at least 15m? Thanks for all your help
I mean, try to avoid him falling asleep while nursing or nursing too close to a nap. Typically you can nurse on wake -up and then move on to A time and then PD for a nap.
Hope that helps:)
ETA: Regarding the E, what I meant was, even when not spacing the feeds according to what Tracy suggests, you could have consistent times to feed him. So with my DD, I would feed when she woke in the morning, on wake up from naps & finally I would split the bedtime feed around bath.
Regarding the A time, I would suggest you stick to a 3 hour EASY for now. It is fine to go by the clock instead of waiting for his cues. I found with my DD that if I waited till the first yawn, I was already too late. Once you get this routine working, we can reassess if more A is needed. I wouldn't think so though:)