Hi group. I'm really hoping you can help me. My son was born 4 weeks early and was 3lb 6oz at birth. He is 10 weeks now at 8lb 13oz and I have been implementing the 3hr cycle pretty well with him, but have several issues towards the end of the day and at night. Take a look at our routine below:
6:45-7 wake and eat
8/8:30 - Down for nap - he wakes at some point in the middle and settles himself back, but this can take some time. same with all naps.
10 - Eat
11/11:30 - Down for nap
1- Eat
2/2:30 - Down for nap
4- Eat
5/5:30 - Down for nap fr half hour. He can't nap for more than that
6 - Wake up and play
6:30 - Bath
6:45/7 - Eat
7:30 - Bed
He wakes up 2-3 times a night to feed.
It sometimes takes him a while to fall asleep, and I'm wondering if eating 5 times during the day is enough? When he wakes from his last nap, I don't feed him because he will be bathing at 6:30 and then eating right after. Do you think I should feed him upon waking from that last nap because it screws the whole EAS? and then feed him again a half hour later? When I've done that in the past he didn't eat a lot and falling asleep was hit or miss. I've only been doing this for 3 days, should I just stick with it?
Another issue I have is night wakings. He will give me a 3.5-4 hours stretch in the beginning of the night, but then wakes up very 2.5/3. Last night he busted out of his swaddle..twice. He also cant seem to settle himself well. It's like he's uncomfortable. He keeps groaning which he doesn't do during the day...How would you handle that?
Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.