There is no window of opportunity you will miss. You can not do it today and decide to do it next week. Enjoy what you have for now. Neither LO had ever formula, LO1 had EBM in a bottle once a day (because I felt I "should") to five months until I ditched the faff of pumping and bottles, and we were both so much happier. LO2 was a totally bottle free baby and it was so easy (as you're finding out now, which is so wonderful). As he gets bigger, you'll be able to be more flexible with feeds, do split feeds, feed with friends etc, but in my heart I honestly find the rhetoric of "being free" from your baby not very helpful to women as sometimes they feel bad for wanting to be there.
On a side note, might be worth seeing if you've a La Leche League locally. Very supportive organisation. Lovely vibe. Same for you Zissi, I know there are branches in Ireland, you might find some like-minded friends.