I'm definitely not feeling very confident about all this... meaning, executing it properly. At this point it is a combination of night wakings when she hasn't attended day care (see below) and trying to get out of the habit of being held to nap and when put in crib for naps, only lasting 15 minutes or so.
All was fine with pregnancy, she is a little small for her age - was born 7.12 but lost 13% of that and really has been slow to gain, but has been doing so proportionately as the months have gone on. Now she is about 14 lbs. No medical conditions.
Here's some back story: as a younger baby she cried ALL THE TIME! Colic? Who knows... just for no reason that could ever be determined. I attempted creating a routine at the time and it was just so difficult because she was so hard to settle. I literally bounced on an exercise ball ALL DAY LONG! Finally, that came to an end when I went back to work and she started day care. She was on a regular eating and napping routine, but would only nap if I held her. So, when she went to day care, of course they couldn't do that all day long. During the day there, the eating routine went out the window. They pretty much created their own and have been feeding her every 1.5 hours... basically when she cries. And she takes it all. But on the weekends I do not feed her that often and she is fine. She barely sleeps there... 30-40 minute catnaps approximately 3 times per day. So, when she cries out of what I assume is tiredness, they feed her. I am breastfeeding and obviously cannot keep up with that demand, so they alternate formula and BM. I was very irritated about this, but seeing as I'm unfortunately not with her all day long, I felt I needed to let them do what was working for them to survive the day.
Point about above: she sleeps great during the week!! Probably out of pure exhaustion. She does wake up... typically about an hour after bed time, then not again until 3:00 am or so. I feed her at her second waking. The day starts for us at 6:00/6:30 am. On the weekend, she gets regular naps (held) and sleeps horribly at night... and has begun to roll over (tummy sleeper, rolls to back and cannot roll back to tummy yet) so that doesn't help! While off work for Christmas break I decided I was not going to let this continue. I re-read Tracey's book and realized that part of the issue could be that we were still on a 3 hour feeding/nap routine at home. Day care obviously not. She was already going 4 hours here and there on the weekends so I just started that cold turkey yesterday and followed Tracey's plan for starting a routine with a 4+ month old. The routine is going well... it's the PU/PD down part that I am really not so sure about! But, she did sleep better last night than any other night without having gone to day care.
Yesterday's execution of routine and PU/PD:
6:30 am - wake and feed
8:20 am - began sleep routine (which we have always had in place, including at night)
8:40 am - in her crib (with pacifier)
9:05 am - woke up - did PU/PD (with pacifier use)
9:55 am - finally asleep in crib
10:30 am - woke her up, feeding *happy
12:20 pm - began sleep routine
12:40 pm - asleep in crib (with paci)
1:15 pm - awake - PU/PD until 1:45 pm
2:15 pm - awake *happy
2:30 pm - feeding
4:15 pm - routine for cat nap
4:45 pm - awake - did PU/PD until 5:15 pm
5:30 pm - woke her up *grouchy
6:15 pm - began bedtime routine
7:30 pm - in her crib asleep
10:45 pm - attemped dream feed with no luck
12:45 am - awake - fed and back to bed
6:00 am today - woke up
The pacifier is what calms her during this process. I take it away from her before putting her in crib at first and then once she is finally calmed down and seems asleep during the PU/PD process. But, when she wakes, for whatever reason, I do have to use it again to help calm her again. Should I just be letting her cry, while trying shh pat, until she finally gives it up? I have a pretty good feeling that will be a LONG time!