Hi Moms,
I'm wondering if this sounds like an allergy to you. My son, almost 10 months, is sensitive to dairy. He has eczema flare outs if he has too much. His sister had milk/soy protein allergy but grew completely out of it by 18 months. We had to do slow introduction of dairy and cow's milk was the last item. We have been given the okay to introduce milk. He is otherwise breastfed and on solids (no other sensitivities). He is still breastfed but likes to snack all day, so we do lots of solids and small bottles which has knocked down my freezer stash as I'm not able to totally keep up. We tried introducing coconut milk to be part of the 'snacking' as I'm not able to keep up with breastmilk. Day 1 the daycare gave him coconut milk later in the morning. He had a massive poop blow out which included everything they had fed him. Day 2, at home, I tried about 1.5-2oz of coconut milk in a sippy cup mixed with breastmilk. We had the same thing - massive blowout not long after. His mood seemed okay otherwise (other than cutting 4 teeth!!). I know coconut milk is a bit of a laxative but this seemed a little bit more.
Is this normal? Could it be an allergy to coconut milk? I was really hoping for it to be our go to as we're not allowed almond milk at daycare (nuts) and I want to avoid soy and rice milk. I haven't given any more since the 2nd blow out. Could it just be the body getting used to it and should I continue with small amounts? Any thoughts or input would be appreciated.
I am trying to get into the doctor but appointments take 2 weeks or more for non-urgent, so I'm just looking for any input in the meantime!