Oh please help me. It's getting worse and worse. He was up for the day at 3:30. Passed out from exhaustion at 8:00, slept til 8:30 and then up til 12:45.....it's now 14:00 and I have resettled him twice but normally he is not resettlable at all any more.
He is going to sleep holding my hand still, but if he is happy at BT I just sit by the cot and that's ok. He has a dummy but can take it or leave it. He has litres of formula and loads of food all day. When he wakes at night he is happy, then gradually gets cross, and once he is cross nothing will help. I have tried BF, dummy, cosleeping, rocking, shhh pat, everything. He is on max doses of calpol and nurofen, and has teething powders.
He is teething (still!) and is also starting to crawl (finally!) so there is stuff going on.....but this has been going on for weeks and the last week has been totally brutal. What am I doing wrong?!?!? I am so close to the edge, I shouted at him this morning