Author Topic: Tweak, tweak......can you help me with my 10 month old please??  (Read 7073 times)

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Re: Tweak, tweak......can you help me with my 10 month old please??
« Reply #30 on: April 22, 2016, 08:25:34 am »

Tbh the necklaces and the teetha powder, we only ever used meds at night, and that was not v often, a feed and a snuggle often worked just as well.
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

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Re: Tweak, tweak......can you help me with my 10 month old please??
« Reply #31 on: April 22, 2016, 14:21:50 pm »
Oh he has stopped napping too. I got 2x 45 mins yesterday, 45 mins this morning, successful resettle after 30 mins this afternoon....and he's just woken up at 45 mins anyway. He is definitely still tired, he is dosed up on everything, he ate an enormous lunch.....what else can I do? I will try and get him to bed early but that's v difficult with the twins.....

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Re: Tweak, tweak......can you help me with my 10 month old please??
« Reply #32 on: April 22, 2016, 18:30:37 pm »
Aw (((hugs))) blame it on the teeth? Some LOs do just seem to suffer more with it, don't they?

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Re: Tweak, tweak......can you help me with my 10 month old please??
« Reply #33 on: April 24, 2016, 02:46:35 am »
My DD had blips like that - she was just so sensitive to every little thing (growth spurt, teething, developmental stuff). All you can do is grit your teeth to get through the day, pop him in bed as early as  you can and then put your feet up and have a glass of wine!
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Re: Tweak, tweak......can you help me with my 10 month old please??
« Reply #34 on: May 06, 2016, 13:05:21 pm »
Oh please help me. It's getting worse and worse. He was up for the day at 3:30. Passed out from exhaustion at 8:00, slept til 8:30 and then up til's now 14:00 and I have resettled him twice but normally he is not resettlable at all any more.

He is going to sleep holding my hand still, but if he is happy at BT I just sit by the cot and that's ok. He has a dummy but can take it or leave it. He has litres of formula and loads of food all day. When he wakes at night he is happy, then gradually gets cross, and once he is cross nothing will help. I have tried BF, dummy, cosleeping, rocking, shhh pat, everything. He is on max doses of calpol and nurofen, and has teething powders.

He is teething (still!) and is also starting to crawl (finally!) so there is stuff going on.....but this has been going on for weeks and the last week has been totally brutal. What am I doing wrong?!?!? I am so close to the edge, I shouted at him this morning  :-[

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Re: Tweak, tweak......can you help me with my 10 month old please??
« Reply #35 on: May 06, 2016, 18:09:39 pm »
No advice but a big squishy hug from me. Brutal is the only way to describe it, wish I could come help.
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Re: Tweak, tweak......can you help me with my 10 month old please??
« Reply #36 on: May 06, 2016, 18:19:41 pm »
What a nightmare!

I cannot say Btdt, but have you tried consistently keeping him in his cot and refusing all activity? When we had long NWs, which was not often I have to say, I would check whatever needed checking and then camp on the floor if needed, but with no talking (only to say it's sleep time or whatever).

I'm so sorry! Up for the day at 3.30 is diabolical, but this has been going on for a good while so I don't think we can say it's a blip any more.  Tho crawling may mess things up for a bit until it happens.
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

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Re: Tweak, tweak......can you help me with my 10 month old please??
« Reply #37 on: May 06, 2016, 18:40:01 pm »
I haven't. What do you do about the dummy when it gets hurled in a rage? Just keep giving it back? I do sleep on the floor in his room, that used to be enough but no longer. And if he is screaming do I shh pat or just sit with him? I only get him up if he gets really noisy as I don't want him to wake the twins.....

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Re: Tweak, tweak......can you help me with my 10 month old please??
« Reply #38 on: May 06, 2016, 19:30:42 pm »
(((Hugs))) that sounds horrible! Where are you with the 2-1 and extending A times atm?

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Re: Tweak, tweak......can you help me with my 10 month old please??
« Reply #39 on: May 06, 2016, 19:47:31 pm »
It's all a mess. I have been trying to fix the first nap at 9:00 or at 3:45 after he wakes up, whichever is earlier.  Then if he sleeps for more than 30 mins I try for an A of 3:45 again, 3:30 if it was a 30 min nap. Most days now I get 2x 30 mins. Then bedtime as early as possible, but he messes around a fair bit at BT if it's too early. Aaarrgghh!!! And I did think about cold turkey putting him on to one nap but I can't get him to bed before 6:30 so he gets massively long days as it is!!!! Today he slept 8-8:30, then 12:45-2:30, then went to bed at 7:30 so he got 4h15 and 5h A times.

Tomorrow we are going on a long day out, so at least hopefully he will manage 2 naps in the car.

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Re: Tweak, tweak......can you help me with my 10 month old please??
« Reply #40 on: May 06, 2016, 20:23:36 pm »
Hmm do you feel that he does best with short am, long pm nap? If so, have you considered shortening the am nap further? Just thinking that was a really long day... Perhaps just a 10/15min morning nap might encourage a longer pm nap - I know it was long today, but he was catching up from that horrible early start :-* Just trying to offer another possibility...

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Re: Tweak, tweak......can you help me with my 10 month old please??
« Reply #41 on: May 07, 2016, 02:53:20 am »
And if he is screaming do I shh pat or just sit with him?
I would just sit with him.
DD - August 2012
DS - November 2014

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Re: Tweak, tweak......can you help me with my 10 month old please??
« Reply #42 on: May 12, 2016, 19:10:47 pm »
Ok.....we've had some ups and downs!! We had a few nights of sleeping through til 5, which I was v happy with!! Then the last couple of nights we have had a long wake at about 3, then resettling by about 4:30 and waking after 5 for the day. Less good.....

Naps are still all over the place. I think I need to do a 2-1 transition but it's really tricky as as soon as we get in the car he just goes to sleep. And I can't stay in (or ask the nanny to) all day.

I'm trying to get that first nap shorter but it isn't making much difference to being able to get a longer second nap. Grrr!!

But anyway, on the plus side - I am following your suggestions and just camping out in his room during the long wakes, and he rolls around and stands up and sits down.....and I doze a bit!! So hopefully that will help in the long run!!

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Re: Tweak, tweak......can you help me with my 10 month old please??
« Reply #43 on: May 12, 2016, 19:21:37 pm »
We have bought a ready bed, which I feel will be rather marvellous for camping out in a wee one's room.

We may be joining you for the 2-1. Already!!!
My 'little man' - kind-hearted Spirited whirlwind, 2008
My love, my everything - BabyTwo, Nov 2015

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Re: Tweak, tweak......can you help me with my 10 month old please??
« Reply #44 on: May 14, 2016, 06:48:59 am »
Crikey Helen, already?!?  :o

Still struggling. He sleeps until anytim between 1 and 3......then from then until I get him up he squirms and cries and rolls around and stands up. He will go back to sleep if I leave him in his cot....but usually it's about an hour or more of crying first, then he will only sleep for 30 min bursts and need resettling each time. My heroic DH did the early shift today and took him into bed with him (we have a bed in his room now  :-[) and said the same.

For naps yesterday he fell asleep having his bottle at 9 but only slept for 10 mins. He then did a massive sleep from 12:45 - 3 (with about 3 resettles) and went to bed at 7. So I thought that was a great day and I am distraught that it didn't help  :'(

Any ideas?!