First of all, many many hugs! The first few months are always the hardest. I myself have a 3 month old atm, and I can definitely understand how frustrating, hard, and tiring it all is. I'm happy to hear you have wonderful support from your husband, at the very least. One thing I can assure you, these small little phases will pass and it will eventually be a thing of the past. Hugs!! Your always welcomed on here to come for some advice, and good positive chats! We've all been there and can understand! Please, feel free to jump on here anytime you need to
in the first 3 months, so many things change. I say things start to "normalize" and calm down, or you find more of a "LOOSE routine" around 3 or so months. Just hang in there- things get better with time! Don't worry about other moms and their babies! I agree 100% w/ ginger! Majority is all fluff and "sleeping through" is different for everyone.
IRT the DF, I would not incorporate it if it seems to cause more problems than not. All babies are different! My first used the DF and with my second it made things wonky and I stopped after the 3rd attempt
if he does better without it, then skip it. It's not a rule to have it. Some babies just do better without it.
Also, keeping up more during the day can cause more problems for NWs too. Try to do you absolute best to have baby well rested and napped during the day- what is your easy like? I know there may not be a real pattern but just to check the A times? Do you feel he has already differentiated his days from nights? Also, is there any concerns such as reflux, gas, tummy troubles? Waking to eat 1-3 times a night is actually quite normal at this age! All babies differ. Night wakes will be a thing of the past. Think of it this way, would you put a 3 mo on the floor and expect him to crawl? No matter how many times you put him on the floor and encourage him, he won't crawl, Kwim? Sleeping will come I promise. Developmentally they just aren't ready just yet, hang in there
just continue to feed baby as growth spurts continue to happen rapidly through the first 4 months.
With that said, more ounces doesn't always mean baby will sleep longer. Yes, formula fed babies sleep longer since formula digests slower... But it doesn't always insure "sleeping through the night" ...if you see him downing bottles, you can gradually add an ounce to his daytime bottles. That could be a GS happening. If baby was sleepin longer then randomly begins to wake and seem to want more at nights, just add more to his daytime feeds so he's not making up for those feeds at night, yk?
Sorry for the long post but hang in there!!! It will pass quickly (even though I'm sure right now it doesn't seem that way) hugs