My little girl just turned 12 months old and I'm struggling with what to do with her sleep habits. I had questions posted before on bedtime issues and it was recommended to move forward with a transition of 1 nap so currently her schedule is
Wake 7am five or take 30 minutes
Nap 11/11:30-1
Bedtime between 7 & 8
She generally wakes once and resettles quickly 2-3 hours after going to bed then again around 2 am at which time she's more difficult to re-settle and sometimes just comes to bed with us because I value my sleep which is minimal as it is.
I'd like to make her bedtime a little earlier but with twin 3 year olds who go to bed around 8 its really hard. So here's my two questions.
First, she's a perfectly happy baby, rarely if ever cranky and we used to struggle to get her to go to sleep for naps and bedtime but now there is no struggle for nap unless for some reason she takes a short nap like 30 minutes early and needs a second nap that can be difficult and bedtime fighting is minimal but I feel like she's still tired. She often acts sleepy an hour or two after getting up in the morning which shouldn't happen for a 1 year old right? Does she need to go back to 2 naps, earlier bedtime, longer nap???
Secondly, while we're not having much of a fight at bedtime now she's suddenly gotten more clingy at bedtime and is demanding more hands on soothing to fall to sleep. How can I handle this and help her get back to more independent sleeping?