I came here a year ago when I was transferring my then 18 month old to his need in his room and came back when that didn't write and we found a new sleep routine that worked. Well that's not working anymore!
He was sleeping in his bed attached to our bed in our room. Then he was only waking once, maybe twice, during the night.
Now he's 2.5 years, 30 months old, and its newly a big brother. We expected some regression but this is getting ridiculous!
He completely dropped his daytime nap, he was taking a two hour nap during the day and he just refuses now, no shortening or anything..It's just gone. Because of this hes going to bed earlier. He sleeps about 8pm-9pm to 9am-10am. That's actually great..no complaints.
The complaints are with the night wakings.. he wakes up 8-10 times a night and all he needs is to be cuddled for a few minutes. My husband mostly takes care of it, but he's getting exhausted!
We were just gonna give it time, but it's been 6 long weeks and the infant is sleeping more and more and the toddler is consistently waking up almost every hour. I probably won't do anything drastic got another 6 weeks because becoming a big brother is a huge change, but is there any tips anyone can offer so we can all get more sleep?