Me again!
I've been trying to get the "right" a times but she doesn't always fall asleep when expected
Am I still aiming for 2x 1,5h naps at this age? How do I know when it's time to shorten (cap?) one instead of pushing bedtime? (if 2x1,5 ever were to happen..

If she wakes up but stay in her cot is that proper awake time? I don't know exactly what she's doing or how awake she is
so here a a few more days, should I just keep doing it like this or change anything??
6:40 wake up. stay in cot
7:00 get up
09:55-10:55 S
(13:50 in cot. Aiming for 3 hours a time. Babbling and kicking around)
14:05-14:35 S (wakes up, not crying as she usually does)
17:30 in bed, ed off that she can't fall asleep..
17:50 S
Night waking 20:50, 22:00, 02:40, 03:50,
05:00 can't go back to sleep for a long time and 06:00
07:00 wake up
10:10-11:30 almost falls asleep during wind-down so put her down and she sleeps straight away.
14:27 in cot babbling away. 14:50 Notices she is actually on her tummy playing.
14:55-15:22 S
18:10 S 5 minutes to settle
Night waking 21:05, 22:05
06:40 wake up stay in cot
07:00 get up
10:00-10:40 S (5-10min to settle)
13:35 in cot (decides this is a good time for a poo) quick wind-down again and back in cot 13:48
13:55- 14:40 S
17:45 S (10 minutes to settle)