I'm back for more!
Feeling quite despondent actually
I have been trying to stretch the second A time, but with my DH away, other LO illness, a 2 wk house guest, but most especially the EW, NW constipation and possible teething, things are ALL over the place.
LO is firmly 7m now (adjusted or not
but he just jawns and rubs he eyes at 2.5 hours (really struggling to push things slowly up to 3...) In the afternoon I am often struggling to get him down for CN which can mean he is A for 4/5 hrs even if I push BT to 5:30! My schedule is shot to $-*! I do put him in a carrier if I can't get it right for CN.
Note that he is good at independent sleep in general, but sometimes he's just NOT (is it too early for separation anxiety?) It feels like he has been "teething" for 3 or 4 weeks now! I don't mind medicating if I am sure it's pain, but it's very hard to tell as when he is OT he rubs his mouth too I think? Also, you asked about paci prop - I have been working on that (letting him use it during A times - and it's much better, i.e I can put the paci in his hand at night now.)
I'm really struggling to organize/normalize a routine that he can know what to expect. Also I run into the constant problem when he EW that he needs to bf right when he needs to sleep, which is turning us into bf to sleep, and makes it really hard to push A times! In the same vein, I often end up giving him solids RIGHT before a nap (not right before BT though) Apart from this being a possible bad idea in terms of physically lying down after eating, it's a bad idea because he eats tired - rubbing food in in eyes.
But I need to space out the bf and solids and I don't want to feed him after CT too close to BT?
I do think that his chronic constipation is playing a role in his NW. I am doing my best to manage that with osmotic laxatives which I trust as I used them to great success with LO#1 But it is a constant job keeping the levels right!
Here is a current EAS example.
5:15 A -bf
6:30 E - breakfast
7:00 E - bf
7:45 S
8:30 A
10:00 - snack
11:00 - bf
11:15 - sleep
12:45 - A
1:30 - Lunch
3:00 -bf
3:15 - sleep
4:00 - A
4:15 - dinner
6:30 - BT
11:40 wake and bf
1am wake
2:30 wake
4am bf
6am wake (then I would only bf at 7)
in this example the obvious problem is the 45 minute nap in the morning. But honestly every day is different so I just made this up to ask that question. I should post an alternate. Gosh I am tired, I hope this all makes sense, thanks so much for any feedback!