I'm sorry you're having such an exhausting time of it. I have a 1 & 3 year old and am exhausted even without all those NWs, you must be hanging by a thread.
A few questions to try to work out what might be going on:
Can your 1yo settle herself to sleep at bedtime? I.e. Without you in the room at all?
Do you put her paci in her mouth at bedtime or lay it near her for her to find herself? My daughter has a comfort blanket and if I put in near her mouth at BT she wakes all night every time she loses it for me to replace. If I lay it next to her for her to find herself at BT she can then replace it independently in the night.
My other question would be around her nap routine. Lots of LOs start or have started the 2-1 by this age and need less day sleep than that. Is she high sleep needs and still needing that amount of day sleep? Did she go later than average to 2 naps? Or could she be UT at night giving you NWs and EW?
From 2 to 1 nap transition (10-12m and older)