My 18 month old DS wakes in the morning and from naps crying!
He approx. routine is
wakes crying hard between 6-7am and get given dummy till 7am. Usually is around 6-6:30 (sometimes goes back for 30mins, most times just rests quietly with dummy)
Milk then breakfast
Playgrounp etc and dinner
between 12:30-1pm nap (used to have 1hr 30 but now can wake after 30mins [rare] and 1hr-1hr 30 crying so again give dummy and leave for half an hour.
up, snack, play, tea,
Bedtime, left between 6:45/7pm, usually takes 30mins of rolling around etc till fast asleep (video monitor so can see him!)
Sometimes hear him cry before midnight but don't normally go in.
He self settles for naps within 10mins and within 30mins at nightime on own with lovey.
Makes me sad that wakes so unhappy and I think its because he's still tired that's why give him a dummy and leave for a bit as if very rarely wakes nearer to 7 or after seems to wake much happier!
He isn't stood up crying, he is still laid down. I wonder if ive started something bad with giving him dummy when wakes crying as we got rid of his dummy at 6months as kept loosing and crying for it, however, cries so loud and long wakes 3.5yr old DD and she then gets a right grump after a couple of days of early starts! She will sleep 7:30-7 or sometimes later so lucky with her! Not sure what to do. I believe he needs more sleep but not sure how to help him get it as he's in a pitch black room with white noise already!!
Any help and advise appreciated!