Okay, so I thought I should post what has been happening for the past 2 days
7.20 (WU) [woke at 4:45 for 1/2 an hour but went back to sleep]
8.30 F
9.40 - 10.10 S (A for 2hr 20min)
10.10 - 12.30 A (F at 11.30)
12.30 - 2.20 S (A for 2hr 20min - WOW changing that A time really made a huge difference this time!)
2.20 (F) - 4.30 (A)
4.30 - 5.00 (CN) (A for 2 hr 10min)
5.00 - 7.15 (A)
Bed at 7.15 - woke to feed at 12 and 2.30
7.00 (A)
F at 7am and 7.30
8.15 solids (first solids ever!)
9.20 - 10.20 S (A for 2hr20m)
F at 10.20, solids at 11.30
PD for at 12.50, fell asleep at 1pm (no crying though) (A for 2hr 40min)
1.00 - 2.30 S
F at 3.40
PD for CN at 4.30, just cried and did not sleep...
F 5.45, PD at 6.10 - cried and did not sleep until I fed him again at 6.30, S at 6.50
Woke crying at 7pm for 5 minutes, did not need to go in as he fell back asleep himself
Really bad night. Woke at 11 and 2:30 for feeds. Then cot party at 4:30am and would not go back to sleep...