It's been ages since I've posted . . .
My daughter is 8 now. When she was a baby she had reflux that we controlled by eliminating milk from my diet (I was breastfeeding). I eliminated soy too because that seemed like the cautious thing to do, but I was never as rigid about that and never as sure that it made a difference. My older son had a dairy allergy, so we were just a dairy-free house for years. But then the kids seemed to outgrow their allergy and we slowly reintroduced a little milk into our diet.
But now my daughter is having lots of tummy troubles and frequent heart burn. We're reduced her dairy as she does notice that seems to be a trigger, but we haven't radically eliminated it. I mentioned all this to the doctor and he kind of blew it off. He didn't see a need to radically eliminate dairy--yes, avoid cheese and ice cream, but don't sweat a cookie with butter in it, or trace amounts in dark chocolate, etc.
I'm wondering what others have experienced? Has anybody experienced dairy causing heartburn in an older child?
Thank you!