From what you listed, his total sleep per 24 hrs is about 12-12.5 hrs. Is this typical or has been much more before? Has he been resisting any of the naps?
He seems to naturally fall asleep around 8:30 in the morning, so I would push this to 8:45, for 20 mins. Then after 3 days or so, push to 9:00 for 20 mins. Offer the pm nap right around 1 pm, so that you have a decent awake time to bed around 6/6:30, or ~4 hrs after his last nap. So 1.20 min day sleep, and 11 hrs night sleep. Your wake up will probably be around 5 or 5:30 at this rate.
We're hoping that the shorter nap in the morning will help keep his day sleep short, pm sleep nice, and night sleep long. Pushing it out later will hopefully shift morning wu later.
My goal around this stage for my son was similar except our BT was later around 7:00. Then we flopped the naps, and we pushed the am one out later and later until he reached around 11:00/11:30, with a 15 car nap around 4 or 5, bed at 7:00.