I need some help my 8 mo LO’s EASY.
Issue: night waking (without any need, I’m pretty sure because most of time he falls back sleep in 5 min). As he started early waking once again , I streched his first A time which is 4 h now. By doing this he now wakes up at 6-6:30 am not 5am.
Because of this long A time I had to change his feeding times and I’m a little bit confused.
Last week I had some help here at the forum with his formula supply amount, so I started the BT bottle also.
His EASY is as follows:
6 am WU + formula 6 oz
8 am breakfast
10 am bottle formula 4oz ( Im concerned about this 4h A ) nap for 1 and ½ h
11:30 am lunch
01:30pm bottle formula 5oz
02:30 pm nap 1 and ½ h
04 pm fruit
05pm dinner
07:30 pm bottle formula 4 oz + BT
10 pm BF 6 oz
He is naturally waking up earlier from his morning nap (lasting about 1h)
Is there too much bottle formula ? I feel his easy is messed up.
Should I shortner his first nap ?