I see your trounble and really feel for you so lets try to get you some help.
your baby should be on a routine. I know it sounds early (only 5 W old) but it sounds like you all need to know what is next (your baby too!!). Are you familiar with the EASY reoutine? it is a life saver.
if you are not familiar read about it in her book or look for an explenation in one of the suggested posts in this forum.
the point is Eat, Activity, Sleep, You. that is the routine of the day and it repeats itself.
does your baby nurse or have a bottle? after every feed do you burp your baby (pat him firmly on his back to get any air out). Some babiesl get air in their digestive system and you must help them get it out. My daughter would spit up a lot untill 6 months but this was necessary. after each nursing I would hold her on my sholder (stomack against the sholder) and have her burp so that it gets out and will not bother her.
if this is the issue then it will make your baby calm.
you must make sure your baby is not a snacker (you can read about this in the baby whisperer book). feedings should be every 3 hours and at this age should last about 30-45 minutes. don't feed every hour or 2.
don't use white noise. that is a prop. a prop is anything that the baby must use to fall asleep (rocking, breast, car ride, holding moms hand or even a pacifier or blanky can sometimes be a prop). I suggest you don't use any of these for putting to sleep since your baby will not know how to fall asleep with out them. one of the baby whisperers main points are to teach your child to fall asleep on their own with no prop.
At this age you can do the shush pat (also specified in her book). when trying to put your baby to sleep hold him upright on your sholder and lightly pat his back (not bottom) and shush at the same time. this is similar to white noise but it is a way your baby can calm down and the rhythem of the patting also helps. this method will stop working at about 3 months and that is when you can start using the pick up- put down (PU/PD) method.
Take in to consideration that anything will take some time to adjust (you and baby).
If you decide to set things straight with the baby whisperers ideas (EASY, shush pat, then PU/PD when older) then read about it, find a weekend where you can start since it will be hard with lots of screaming (your husband should probably do the first nights and naps if it is possible). if you stay with it (even if it takes an hour or more to put to sleep) it WILL get better with time. each nap will take less time to put to sleep.
The older the baby is, the harder it is to change habits so at 5 weeks is the best time to start since any habit is not extremely enhanced and you can change things within very few days. also remember, START AS YOU MEAN TO GO. if you drop a method after 2 days that will only mix up you and baby. So decide which way and stick to it.
Last point that is VERY important. you must remember that your baby is ONLY 5 weeks!! he has been in you where it is warm and dark for 10 months! it is totaly normal to have a new baby scream or cry a lot when puting to sleep since he is only trying to figure out where he is and what is going on.
I know you are tired and it is very hard to deall with this when you are so tired. if you can have your mother, sister, close friend come help on a weekend that is great, so that you can get some sleep too. if you hold your baby and shush pat he will feel safe and calm. you must feel safe and calm too.
when you feel overwhelmed, stop what you are doing, put your baby in a safe place and BREATH! breathing deeply really helps.
Let me know if you have any specific questions.
Good luck!