Hi everyone.
I've been here a few times for help with tweaking my DS2's routine to help him sleep better and have had some great advice and success so am hoping you can help me again please.
For the past 2 months (it feels longer than this) my DS2 has been waking a few times in the night and also waking early. He doesn't seem to be in pain when he wakes as sometimes he will go back down as soon as I've gone in and said 'it's night time, you're ok, time to go back to sleep now' and other times he whines at first so we don't go in. On occasion he will self settle but mostly he doesn't, and he fully wakes crying. So we go in and try to comfort him but he says 'No', he doesn't want us touching him but he also doesn't want us to leave the room. Most times he will eventually settle with a hand on his back, it varies in time how long it takes for him to go back to sleep. He goes to bed without his dummy (he does have it for nap times and sometimes in the day) but there has been occasions when I have been exhausted and he's woken 3 or 4 times where on the 4th time I have given him his dummy and he instantly falls back to sleep. I know I shouldn't have done this but I don't think I have created a habit as he never asks for it in the night whereas he does for naps.
His day on average looks like this:
WU:5. We try to keep him in his cot until at least 5:45 but he does sometimes get restless so have to get him up sooner.
Nap: 10:35-11:55/12:35
Lunch 1:30
Sometimes catnap for 10mins-3:30-3:40
Bed:7 (the reason it's this time is sometimes he only sleeps for 10hours at night and I don't want to risk a 4am wake-up if I put him to bed at 6.
Any help would be gratefully received. You have always been amazing in the past.
Thank you
Erica x