I am loosing my mind with my LO recently.
My patience is pretty much non-existent right now. Doesn't help that she had a cough that lasted over 2 months (seems to be improving *crossing fingers*) and the overstimulation of the holiday season, now this...
It is taking ~an hour to PD for bed (we had a nap like that too, but more consistently for BT)
It seems like separation anxiety to me, but we don't have too much experience with it as we only had a brief stint of SA when she started daycare.
She wails the instant she is PD and holds her arms up to be held, she is not a cuddler in her waking hours so it is extra odd (I found it cute for 10 mins initially, now... Honestly, it is so frustrating!!!)
After few rounds of wailing/cuddling she is tired enough to roll on to tummy and fall asleep, or close too (sometimes she requires and hand to the back to relax. Then she will pop up quickly onto her knees. Sometimes if you are right there she will lay right back down, other times she will start wailing. Generally it is taking 60 mins about 40 mins today. Sometimes she is having NW or EW too, probably b/c she becomes so OT.
I am not sure what to do and I don't want to do too much AP as she was such a good sleeper before.
I hate that it frustrates and angers me so much that my baby wants me close like this, but that is how I feel when in the thick of it. I am so emotionally drained.