I don't think he would go down at 9:30. But that is pretty much what my daycare does - she does an hour in the morning - he wakes up after an hour for her. then 1.5-2 hrs around 1pm.
I hate capping naps - he is so sad when I wake him usually - that being said, I havent often woken him from his morning nap, usually its the afternoon one. And he takes so long to perk up after that.
He has only just turned one - last week. So he is young for one nap for sure - I would like to keep two for a while, but not sure how to do it. I am scared to cap the good nap in case he fights the afternoon one or just has a short nap.
It is tough - with daycare and busy weekends, it is hard to settle on a schedule and I don't think that is helping him.