Author Topic: 12 Month old miserable in the mornings  (Read 1953 times)

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Offline CbabyJ

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12 Month old miserable in the mornings
« on: January 24, 2018, 16:22:58 pm »
I am really struggling to cope with my LO who has been early waking on and off for a couple of months now.  But over the past two weeks he almost always wakes 5:15-5:40.  I try to keep him in te crib for as long as possible.  However he either is crying when he wakes up, or happy then cries after about 15-20mins.  Then he is miserable - I mean inconsolable for at least 1.5 hours - usually until his brother is awake.  I don't think it is hunger as I offer breakfast around 6:45 if he seems interested - almost always he only has a little.
I've tried going into his room when he wakes and trying to convince him to lie down, stroking/patting....nothing works he is definitely awake.

He doesn't nap till 10-10:30, so despite this early waking he does OK with a long awake time.

Bedtime is usually 715PM - although I bring it earlier if he hasn't napped well - he has the odd 1 nap day.

I feel like I can't get on a good schedule - both due to the early waking and the fact that my daycare tends to put him down for 1 nap at 10am (he sleeps for an hour) and then sleeps for 2 hours at 1pm.  This would never work for me - he would never go down after a short awake time.

Rarely he wakes happy and stays happy- and I can't seem to pinpoint why that is.  I think he needs more night time sleep - I'm worried that we are in a horrible over tired cycle.  He has been miserable on and off all day the last few days.

Do I need a really early bedtime?  or a really late bedtime?

I'm just sad as I am getting frustrated with him being so upset and I feel like I can't enjoy my time with him.

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: 12 Month old miserable in the mornings
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2018, 22:04:02 pm »
Hi there, have you ruled out pain from teeth? Teething used to wake mine early. Also you mention he’s been unhappy all day would it be worth getting him checked at dr to make sure ears aren’t hurting?  There is also sleep regression around birthdays so could play a part.

What kind of day do you have at home when are naps etc?

Early bed times work wonders for some so worth a try x

Offline CbabyJ

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Re: 12 Month old miserable in the mornings
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2018, 17:42:10 pm »
Thanks for your reply.

I've been wondering about teeth - but I find that a hard thing to blame given his early morning have been going on for a while.  He only has had the off day where he hasn't slept past 6 since he started sleeping through (at about 10 months).

His usual day at home :
WU 5-6AM
S 1030-12-1230
S 345 or so catnap - wake no later than 4:15
Bedtime 7:15 if hes slept for a catnap

He hasnt had this kind of a day in over a week - what with daycare as well as having a tough time with a long morning nap.  He has never napped well in the afternoon so the cat nap is a bit hit or miss.

The last couple of days - bedtime has been a battle.  I've had to stroke, shush to get him to stay lying down and stop crying.

He has had a cold this past week - so maybe his mood with improve once that goes away.  It's tough - I really think he needs something to get him to sleep later I just dont know what.  I feel like I am doing him a massive disservice.

I was thinking that he needs to go to one nap as he (used to) does a long morning nap with a battle for the catnap.  But as my daycare is having no issues with two naps I wanted to wait a while.  That and the fact he can't be getting enough sleep with the early mornings.


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Re: 12 Month old miserable in the mornings
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2018, 20:43:41 pm »
A lot of the time EW can be down to the first nap being too early.

Have you tried 30 min CN at 9.30 then long nap at 12/ some point the day sleeps go start to rob from night but I’d say at this age day wide sleep is ok.

All are different my DS1 went to 1 nap at 13 months but DS2 went until 18 months with the am CN and then longer lunch nap.

When was he 1?

Offline CbabyJ

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Re: 12 Month old miserable in the mornings
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2018, 21:19:47 pm »
I don't think he would go down at 9:30.  But that is pretty much what my daycare does - she does an hour in the morning - he wakes up after an hour for her.  then 1.5-2 hrs around 1pm.
I hate capping naps - he is so sad when I wake him usually - that being said, I havent often woken him from his morning nap, usually its the afternoon one.  And he takes so long to perk up after that.

He has only just turned one - last week.  So he is young for one nap for sure - I would like to keep two for a while, but not sure how to do it.  I am scared to cap the good nap in case he fights the afternoon one or just has a short nap.

It is tough - with daycare and busy weekends, it is hard to settle on a schedule and I don't think that is helping him.

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Re: 12 Month old miserable in the mornings
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2018, 21:31:19 pm »
I always did the am CN on the go so generally on the way to shops or a Playgroup so hexaas then immediately occupied.

The other thing is to push out that first nap to 11 ish see if you can get 2 hours then either CN 29 mins at say 3.30pm or earlier BT x

Offline CbabyJ

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Re: 12 Month old miserable in the mornings
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2018, 13:56:23 pm »
So yesterday went like this :
WU 625 (he only slept a few hours the night before - for some reason he was struggling all night)
S 11-1230 (late nap  - he had his 12 month appointment at the doc - he managed to stay awake despite being in the car at 1030)
S 340-410 - woke by himself
bedtime 715 - fell asleep no struggle by himself

Today - awake from 515, out of room at 540 (despite me telling hubby that he should try keep him in his room until 6am).  He was miserable all morning and hardly ate - so definitely not hungry.

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Re: 12 Month old miserable in the mornings
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2018, 16:56:20 pm »
Yestdaey toutine wise looked ok so maybe it’s teeth waking him as they come into
Light sleep around that time.

Maybe try the switch round with short am nap see if it helps x

Offline CbabyJ

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Re: 12 Month old miserable in the mornings
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2018, 15:45:39 pm »
So weirdest thing - he woke at 4am so upset - I had to settle a few times but he went down eventually when I left to prep pain meds (he didn’t get them as he was asleep by the time I had it sorted!).

Then ... I wake in a panic, check my phone and it’s 645!!  And my elder son is starting to wake up.  That hasn’t happened for months!!
I was kinda thinking I needed to try wake to sleep but he did it by himself - who knows why...
any ideas what happened?

So as he slept in - he was so happy all morning- it was so nice to have my happy but very mischievous boy back.

I know it’s just one morning ...

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: 12 Month old miserable in the mornings
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2018, 07:46:33 am »
No idea just enjoy it ha ha! Long may it last x