Hello everyone! After months of really good sleep, we are stuck in a horrible sleep mess. My 19 month old has always been a good sleeper. Just needed a slight push here or there in the right direction but for nearly 2 months now, she refuses to sleep independently. In early December, she started showing all the signs of 18 month sleep regression. One day she just refused to go down on her own. And so we patted her to sleep. Calmed her etc. Then she fell ill then she had canines. And now we are stuck!
At one point we even went back to night feeding to soothe the gums and my DH co slept part of the night. We have gotten rid of all that without Any issues but she still screams blue murder if we try to leave after putting her down in her cot.
She also cries when she wakes. Previously she would play happily in her cot. Sometimes for up to an hour after waking!!!
I have tried to give her alone time in cot during the day with a couple of her toys and she is happy in there. When we pick her up after nap, she stops crying immediately and is happy, smiling.
She is generally a happy child. We are thinking of doing walk in/walk out but to be honest, I am quite scared. I have never let her cry longer than a minute and she never really needed training before. Was always able to self soothe from birth. And a few times just went to cry after crying for abit during a phase at 9/10 months.
She dropped to 1 nap at 15 months and it was a painless transition compared to my older child. After a few days, she napped 2.5-3 hoursand did 11-12 hours overnight.
I keep trying to figure out if she is overtired, undertired or just us wants us to go in a pat her. Would really appreciate an outside point of view.
Before sleep regression at 17.5 mo this
Wake 7-7.30am
Nap 12pm - usually woke 2.30-2.45pm
Bed. 7.30-7.45pm
All independent sleeping. If she woke earlier (rarely) from nap or morning, we left her until 7am and 2.30pm
NOW in the last few days
7am wake
12.20. Nap only 1hr 25min. Had to pat for 10 mins and hum
7.05pm asleep DH pat and hum. Sleep cry 57min.
Wake crying 11pm - pat on bum 1min
Wake crying hysterically! 12.05am -pat on hum 1min
Wake 5am 1min pat bum.
Wake for day 7am. Was a good night as she settled quickly for all wakings.
7am. wake
12.10pm nap 1hr 50min. She hasn't napped his Long since 17th Jan.
7.30pm Asleep.
10.55pm cried - dirty nappy. Changed nappy put down.
12.15am cry - quick resettle with patting
5am -10mins to resettle wake 7am
7am wake
12.30 Nap 1hr 35min pat bum
7.25pm asleep pat bum
11pm resettled pat bum
12.20am took till 1.10am to resettle!! Finally we gave up and I fed her and she went back to sleep immediately. Up 5.40am and would not go back to sleep. Gave up at 6.30am and took he out.
5.40am wake
11.30am nap. Woke 58mins patted her back to sleep and she woke at 1hr 15mins. I tried leaving her but she after force crying for 2 mins, she really started crying so I got her out.
Prob bed at 6.30! And prob will have a crappy night will Long night wakes.
She seems to be waking at 11pm, 12.15am and 5/5.30am evreyday. What is this??? I am kinda lost here! she has only her 2 year molars left to go. Should we do walk in walk out? Or gradual withdrawal?
Any help will be very appreciated.
PS : is the sticky for how your day looks like for toddlers not working? Trying to get an idea of what other kids are doing at this age routine wise.