Thanks again creations!
Shortening her A was just an idea I had that she might be having too big an A and that could explain her NWs? I don't think I'm right, though. I went back to her normal A for the next nap and she slept those 3hrs with no resettling.
Would it make sense for her As to get shorter by the end of the day? Because right after the 3hr nap, she seemed tired earlier than usual. I kept the same A though and she woke with 30 min. I was planning to wake her up with 45 min, so her BT wouldn't be so late, so 30 min wasn't too bad..
So, for her last A, I decided to try to shorten it because of her previous catnap and showing tired signs earlier in her A before. I went to her room earlier, but she took really long to wind down, really agitated. She finally slept with a 1h30 A, which is not much different from her usual A. BUT, good news is NO wake up after BT!!!!
So the OT could explain her waking up after BT? Is it normal for that last wind down to be so agitated? Or should I go to her room earlier still?
I'll do the same with the feeding tomorrow, but keeping her normal A, like you said, so we can see if she'll make it through her nap.
Should I leave her naps uncapped again tomorrow? What happens if she sleeps 3hrs again? Do I let her?
The idea is to see if she won't need a feed before her nap and with that she probably won't sleep so long because she'll be hungry, right?
Thanks for your help! I'm feeling so much better than before!