Not planning to judge you on using Ferber methods.
As ladies mentioned above we don’t support Ferber here, but still it can be a successful method (not going into the discussion what you gain and what you lose), but you have to see the result. If you had any bad habits to be broken, it should be couple of days for this to happen. If the baby still cries it means that it’s not about the habit you tried to break but about something else. No matter which method you use for sleep training it should work - if it’s not working, it means you baby is genuinely trying to say you something. That’s why we prefer more gentle methods here which on one hand still break the habit, but on the other hand they protect you and the baby from situation where the crying is long and tiring for both you and a baby.
I would encourage you firstly to review your schedule/routine. It’s usually the first thing which is not correct when baby doesn’t want to sleep. If your Lo is 4mo, I would say he doesn’t need 4 naps a day and trying to make him to do one more is making him furious. Secondly I would encourage you to be with him when he goes to sleep and assist him when needed. I know that hearing your baby cry is extremely difficult but it’s our role to be with them even when they cry and even if we say we won’t give them what they want. When you are in the room next to the crib, you can see what your baby is doing, how he acts, if you can do anything to help him with sleep. And believe me he doesn’t need fully independent sleep skills at that age. Going to sleep in a crib is already a very precious ability which will help him go through the night without feeds when he is ready. Your presence in the room with a baby won’t ruin his sleep, it only could help.
Keeping fingers crossed for both of you so you could find a good balance and routine for him and that crying will stop as soon as possible.