Hello ladies,
My DD2 of 14 weeks, use to be a great napper. Not so much lately. We have been having issues with naps since she was 11weeks old. I have been trying to find the right A time, which seems to be around 1;30. She does show sings of being tired at around 1:20-1:25. Sometimes we get good naps some not. She does not have any props (tried to avoid them as with DD1 we had done major AP and props, so decided for DD2 let's not do any (if possible) or we would be struggling for the next years with naps and BT), she doesn't use a pacifier, normally she will go to sleep easy, she will find her hand or coos for a bit.
My questions is when she has these short naps 30-40minutes, how much A should I aim for? And what kind of A?
I have tried to put her back in the crib after 1hr, 1:20, 1:30 of her waking up, but regardless of what time I put her in she continues to remain awake in bed for 20-40minutes. Like today after 35minute morning nap she was up for 1:50hr. The A is very low key, just holding and talking to her. Do I need to have a more stimulating A so she can get tired? Or is she OT that's why it takes a long time to go back to sleep?