Hi, posting again... unfortunately DD2 is still cat napping all day and is now awake frequently at night. Shes 21 weeks on Saturday and I really can't take it much longer
She's EBF but I'm going to start introducing formula as a back up. But she eats on average every 3.5-4 hours and is gaining weight nicely.
So I know she isnt hungry. Her reflux is under control and though she is chomping on everything I dont think she's waking up from pain... at least not during the day.
Sometimes she will surprise me and take a good 1.5 hr nap, but that happens once or twice a week, if I'm lucky. So she DOES know how to transition sleep cycles. Im doing everything i can to extend her naps (except shush/pat, which she finds distracting), W2S, hanging out while she's sleeping to try resettle...
She also falls asleep independently in her crib, takes a paci and is still in the swaddle.
let's just say I accept that she sleeps for 40 minutes at a time, how long do I keep her awake to avoid OT? Especially since she's up so much at night??