Well, I'm the father of a LO who will turn seven months later this week. She has been on E.A.S.Y. for the past several months, and we used to have relatively simple nighttime putdowns on her tummy in her crib after a good size bottle of EBM. However, she has taken in the past ten days to crying between 45-150 minutes at her nighttime putdown, which has followed a shorter bottle. Here is a typical day's schedule:
7:00 (a.m.) awake/diaper change/bottle (5 oz.)
7:30-8:30 Dad plays with her on the floor of her room
8:30-8:45 Dad takes her to front porch to watch birds and cars for "calm time"
8:50-10:15 Naps after 5 min. cry session
10:15-11:00 Mom takes over, changes her clothes and plays with her
11:00 bottle (5 oz.)
11:30 plays in jumper or playard or goes for walk in stroller
12:30 p.m. solid food (stage 1 veggies or fruit)
1:00-2:30 nap after 10 min. cry session
2:30-3:00 change diaper and short play
3:00 bottle (5-7 oz.)
3:30 activity similar to 11:30 session
5:00 solid food similar to 12:30 p.m. session
6:15 disrobe for bath
6:30 bath
6:45 nightclothes (crying) and bottle in darkened room (very variable -- 3-7 oz.)
7:15 down for night (the putdown crying has gone from 10 mins. to much longer, as detailed above)
10:30 (or upon hearing waking noises) dreamfeed bottle (6 oz.)
Even on our LO's best putdowns, it has required our keeping a hand over her back to keep her from turning and thrashing, and she always, always cries. I tried PU/PD for a few days a few months ago for naps and nighttime and posted on that board at the time (DW wound up vetoing it after two or three 40 min. crying sessions), and resurrected it with limited success one night this week (again 40 mins. of crying) to return LO to sleep 45 mins. after nighttime putdown when DW was "out with the girls."
We think the bath may not be calming her, and we're considering dropping it, but we will have to bathe her some time during the day in exchange (messy eater lol). It just seems like she shouldn't be crying every time she is put down, no matter when she goes down or who puts her down. Should we consider a lovey? Or is it just that we're not doing a suitable ritual? (Incidentally, we do use a repeating ocean-waves CD for white noise at each sleep interval).