Author Topic: 4 1/2 mth old waking every hr  (Read 1827 times)

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Offline giddyup3

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4 1/2 mth old waking every hr
« on: August 21, 2005, 14:25:23 pm »
My 4 1/2 mth old son goes to bed happily every night  between 7:30 and 7:45, after his last bottle, only to wake every hour from 1am on.  He is swaddled and sleeps on his side in between a wedge, but now that he can roll over I think this is waking him up.  He also falls asleep with a pacifier (a habit we are trying to break) Every time he wakes, we wait 5 mins before going in, then we re swaddle him and pop the paci back in, and he goes back to sleep.. for another hour. He was always a great night sleeper (starting at 2 months he would go 8pm to 7am) He now is awake for the day at 5:30, I can sometimes stretch it to 6am, eats and by 7 or 7:30 is back in bed for up to 2 hrs.  I am so exhusted from starting our day "in the middle of the night" with these wakings, does anyone have any advise?  Thanks, Christina

Offline SandyGal

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4 1/2 mth old waking every hr
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2005, 01:01:56 am »
Hi Christina:

My thought is that it is the pacifier dependency that is the problem. He is still to little to get it back in there on his own, so he is waking to get it back. How are you going about getting him to fall asleep without it?

Also, do you have set nap time and bed time routines?

Sandy-Mom to Kyra (1-7-04) and Kylan (9-20-05)

Offline giddyup3

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4 1/2 mth old waking every hr
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2005, 14:44:00 pm »
Hi Sandy.  Matthew has a set afternoon nap and bedtime routine, which vary only in that at night he has a bath, short play and then his last bottle.  Afternoon naps are not very successful but I still do the easy plan in order.  But, the afternoon nap, and even the morning one he doesn't need the paci. Hmm.  I really do believe that it is this darn pacifer that is causing so many awakenings at night, and I am trying to wean him by taking it out during the 2nd stage of sleep.  However, I'm not doing very well.  He does suck on his thumb or a couple of fingers, and if he could rely on this as a substitue I would be OK with it.  I should mention that his 1st tooth is almost thru, which has been giving him problems, but I wouldn't entirely blame all of this on that.  Christina

Holly n Harvie

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4 1/2 mth old waking every hr
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2005, 12:28:25 pm »
Hey Christina!! Harvie is 3 months old and we use a paci too. He only has it too go to sleep (I sucked my thumb and DON'T want Harvie too). Now.... it is known (although all babies are different) that when a baby sucks a pacifier that the sucking action doesn't allow them to fall into deep sleep. Also there is the problem of it falling out and them wanting it back. Harvie for some reason doesn't have this problem and I am wondering if it is the 4 oz feed at 10 or 10:30 pm that I give him. See, I feed him at 7ish and give him a bath or 'top to toe' wash and put him to bed around 8ish. Then I wake him at 10 ish and give him a 4 oz bottle with a teaspoon of rice cereal in it. He doesn't even open his eyes for this 'dream feed'. He then pretty much sleeps till 7 am. Matthew may be hungry and that is why he is waking, not the paci. Try it, ya never know. All you can do is try.

Offline RoseE

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4 1/2 mth old waking every hr
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2005, 23:32:08 pm »
Hi Christina - just read your post and thought "thats me"!  We are having the same problems.  My 5 mth old has been a great ngt sleeper since 8 weeks, but recently (maybe a week ago) started waking at about 12.30pm, then 3.30, 4.30, 5.30 (or more) - sometimes I'm half asleep and don't really remember how many times I've got up!  He flips himself from back to front and gets an arm and leg stuck in the bars of the crib and has to be rescued!  3 weeks ago I started a pu/pd routine to help extend his 45min day naps and to ditch the paci.  It took 1 or 2 days for him to sleep without paci and 13 days to get his day sleeps to 1.5hrs.  He can now self soothe and did sleep for 10-12 hrs uninterrupted for the first 5 or so nights, quickly putting himself back to sleep on the few occasions he woke.  Not sure what went wrong then!!!  Now I have great days and shocking nights!  I have (in a v. tired state) given bf in the night out of frustration, but this has not seemed to help and I don't really think he is hungry and he eats stacks during the day so I am not going to offer bf the next few ngts and just do pu/pd.  I seem to remember having an episode like this a month or so ago and it passed as mysteriously as it came.  I hope this is just another phase (as my Mother says!!!), but I am always afraid of a long term issue.  Lo is sleeping now but woke half an hour ago on his tummy again!  Flipped him over and he went straight back to sleep! Aghhhh!  Will let you know if I have any success.

Good luck
Mum to Aaron
March 29 2005

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every hour
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2005, 03:57:39 am »
My lo did this last week as well.  She would not calm down until I would finally give in and bf.  Then a friend suggested increasing her feeding times during the day as she is 3 and a half months, and needs to be switching to a four hour schedule.  THis actually seemed to improve the situation.  We don't always make it the full increased time, but we often do, and she is sleeping a bit better.  Hope this helps.
spirited but adorable toddler
unsure about #2's temperment yet

Offline SandyGal

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4 1/2 mth old waking every hr
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2005, 19:35:03 pm »
You may want to check out the posting by ashersmom. She did pick up put down to get rid of the pacifier and is already seeing improvement. It really will help to get him sleeping without the pacifier.  :wink:
Sandy-Mom to Kyra (1-7-04) and Kylan (9-20-05)