My 4 1/2 mth old son goes to bed happily every night between 7:30 and 7:45, after his last bottle, only to wake every hour from 1am on. He is swaddled and sleeps on his side in between a wedge, but now that he can roll over I think this is waking him up. He also falls asleep with a pacifier (a habit we are trying to break) Every time he wakes, we wait 5 mins before going in, then we re swaddle him and pop the paci back in, and he goes back to sleep.. for another hour. He was always a great night sleeper (starting at 2 months he would go 8pm to 7am) He now is awake for the day at 5:30, I can sometimes stretch it to 6am, eats and by 7 or 7:30 is back in bed for up to 2 hrs. I am so exhusted from starting our day "in the middle of the night" with these wakings, does anyone have any advise? Thanks, Christina