I'm really at a loss and don't know what to do about DS sleeping issues!! He's 5 1/2 months and eats 35oz of formula a dat plus cereal/food 2X per day. He was sleeping in the swing since birth due to reflux and started sleeping though the night early on, well me moved him to the crib about a month and a half ago and its been getting worse and worse since then. At first he would cry when he hit the crib but that improved and we were able to lay him down semi awake and he would go to sleep easy but wake about one or two times a night and we would have to go in to settle him back to sleep. Well this has all started to get worse now including his naps, he won't nap for more then 2 hours a day (he used to take 3 naps a day) and then at night it takes an hour to get him to sleep, I can feed him, lay him in the crib and he'll fuss but not cry so I stay with him and try to get him to sleep in the crib but for about an hour he goes between just laying there fighting with his binky (he likes to chew on the plastic) and crying. When he cries I try to calm him in the crib and if that dosen't work I pick him up for a few seconds and then lay him down, he will finally go to sleep at some point but now he's been waking almost every hour. We started a DF at 1030p in case he needed to eat overnight (4oz compared to his reg 7oz) that worked for the first two nights (slept all night) but now were back to waking every hr and then we have to go in and replace his binky and try to get him back to sleep. My DH and I both work and were so tired and fighting over what to do (DH thinks we should try CIO, I can't do it!). Can anyone offer advice or suggestions, am I doing something wrong?? I've tried to track his wakings but there seems to be for the most part no pattern to them.