Anyone have anything that worked for them besides pu/pd. My 8.5 mo dd will have none of it, screaming at the top of her lungs-which I can't allow as she wakes #1, and I absolutely do not have the patience for it. It would turn into pick up throw down. She goes to bed at 8, sleeps to between 4-5:30 depending on her mood and when she wakes, she will not go back to sleep unless I feed her. I know she doesn't need the calories, but it has been my quick fix. How do I stop this without pu/pd? I thought about a water bottle instead, but she just stays awake, chewing on the bottle nipple thinking it is a toy. I would love to do wake to sleep but she doesn't have a set time. It is mostly 5:30, but varies a little. Sometimes 4 or 4:30. Set my alarm one night to wake at 4:30 (one hour before her usual 5:30 wake) and wouldn't you know she woke at 4:20!! UGH! I am so tired. Fighting PPD and I think most of it is because of no sleep. The nights that dh gets up with her and I get to sleep through I am supermommy. I wish someone had an answer.