My son is 11.5 weeks and cannot self soothe. At present, we are using a pacifier to assist him with soothing back to sleep or to relax him if he is overtired and having trouble falling asleep.
My son can put himself to sleep for naps and bedtime if he is caught in the window and swaddled/laid down very soon after the cue.
When he wakes at night, or after a 45 min nap, he is unable to settle himself back to sleep. I have to come and replace the paci at night, and in the daytime, there is nothing to get him back to sleep - he just wakes and is up until he is tired again - 30 mins later or so.
I admit that I cannot bear to hear him cry and tend to rush in. This is partly in an attempt to circumvent any hysterics or from him waking himself up completely. I figure if I can get in there and solve it, the faster we all get back to sleep.
He has not found his hands yet and I don't think he knows they are his or what to do with them. I wish he could suck his great that would be.
He is currently swaddled with both hands in. For the last 2 nights, I have tried swaddling with one arm out, but he seems uncomfortable with this arm waving about, so tonight we are back to no arms out. With no hands out, he has no way of practicing, so what can I do to help him learn?
What can I be doing instead of rushing in? I am just afraid of him crying and waking himself up and getting into hysterics where I would have to try 5 times harder to get him back to settled again. Is this accidental parenting? Should I be doing something differently, and putting in the effort now to show him, even though it may mean that he gets more upset and cries? What can I do?