Author Topic: 10.5 month old waking every 1.5 hrs during night ... eeek  (Read 1684 times)

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Offline Hunter & Sithia's mom

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10.5 month old waking every 1.5 hrs during night ... eeek
« on: September 01, 2005, 16:53:24 pm »
Hi there all,

Just need to rant a little this afternoon, and if you happen to have any suggestions that would be heavenly!

About a month ago all was fine with Hunter, he slept through till 6am with only a little peep out of him near midnight.  Then for 4 or 5 nights he woke screaming in fear / pain rather than just peeping.  Since then he's been getting progressively worse, and for the last 2 nights he's been waking every 1.5 hrs or less.  I'm out of my mind with sleep deprivation.

We've recently put him onto a one nap schedule.  No matter when he gets up, usually between 7 and 7:30 now, he goes for his nap around 12:15 to 12:30, bedtime routine starts at 7:30pm and he's out like a light by 8pm.  He's eating like a trooper, and just loves finger foods so that's what he gets for lunch, (usually cut up jarred fruit etc), he has what we have for supper and gets about 20-24 oz formula in 3 or 4 bottles a day.

His nap the last couple of days has been short, say 1.5 - 2 hrs in length.  I'm going to try to get him to sleep longer, say 2.5 - 3 max, and see if that works.  Also, tonight I'm going to give him some tylonol just in case he is teething, as he doesn't show signs ...  :roll:

thanks for letting me rant and get it all out
Mom to Hunter 10-13-04
Sithia 20-04-07

Offline SandyGal

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10.5 month old waking every 1.5 hrs during night ... eeek
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2005, 00:46:20 am »
Hey there!

Are these the first teeth coming through or has he been through a couple of teeth breaking already? The reason I ask is that the only real sign I saw of the first teeth coming through (front bottoms) was a bit of a translucent line on the gum which appeared and was there for weeks before the teeth actually came through. It is worth trying the pain reliever to see if it helps. FYI... I find that Motrin works the best for teething pain. At some point, Tylenol just doesn't cut it anymore. The molars and eye teeth were extremely obvious with lots of swelling and redness of the gums.

Also, my pediatrician had me elevate dd bed for a while (at the head end) when her teething was the worst. Sometimes the extra saliva can back up when they lay flat and cause ear pain which can cause those scream wakings. I would also be tempted to have a doctor look at the ears to see if there is an infection or fluid that could be causing pain while laying down.  We have had ear infections with no fever, so the only indicator is sudden poor sleeping.

What is he like when he wakes screaming? Does he get worse when you pick him up before finally calming down?

I hope he is doing better already by the time you read this post! :D
Sandy-Mom to Kyra (1-7-04) and Kylan (9-20-05)

Offline Hunter & Sithia's mom

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10.5 month old waking every 1.5 hrs during night ... eeek
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2005, 02:10:21 am »
Hi Sandy,

He has 4 teeth, top and bottom front ones.  The one I think that's coming in is the top right eye tooth, and I can see it through the gums ... shouldn't be too long now.

I'll have to bring him to the doc's for the ear infection thing, because that happened a few months ago, he woke screaming and was really hard to put him back down.  His appt was the next day, and voila!  Ear infection.  Thanks for the thought!!

Last night he was much better, thank goodness!  And he slept straight through till 6 with only one blip (15 minutes till the end of my show too  :roll: ) and while he did scream, he was fairly easy to calm.  Almost like he had a nightmare.  I changed his diaper at 6, and he slept for another hour. 

Thanks for the concern, I'll keep you posted with any developments
Mom to Hunter 10-13-04
Sithia 20-04-07