DS woke 7 times lasst night between 8pm and 5.30am (when i finally gave up and got out of bed for day!!)
Tom was sleeping through the night until about 4 weeks ago, then he started waking some nights once or twice, it is now every night between 2 times (a good nght) and 7 times (last night!!). He is on 3 hr easy, and we have recently taught him to fall assleep in his own bed and moved his bedtime to 8pm rather than 9pm.
At first we thought his night wakings were a temporary problem due to making these changes, but things have got worse rather than better with time. DS use to have 2 1.5 hr naps a day 1 1hr nap and sometimes a 45min catnap.... hes never needed as much sleep as many babies and always seemed happy and awake between these naps. He still falls asleep at around the same time, but now tends to wake after 45 mins.If hes a bit grumpy i can usually pat hiom back to sleep, but often hes awake and smiling, then there is no chance as he is just not tgired anymore.
Tom also has a type of reflux (called pyloric stenosis) and so sometimes wakes in pain crying! :cry:
I haven't changed his activities, so he shouldn't be over stimulated, he doesnt seem to be waking due to hunger as he only eats 4 oz or so when he wakes at 6am, and gets a good 30 or so oz of "hungry baby" milk during the day.
DH teithed young so i supose he could be teething (athough no red cheeks etc).
Do you think he needs to move onto a 4 hr easy schedule? is 15 weeks to young to do this, i suspect 2 1.5 hr naps would be better for him than 4 45min naps (like he gets now). How would this work with his reflux, could his tummy handle bigger meals further apart?
Please help, im really frustrated, i had so many problems BF, ive finally given in and given up , feeding has stopped being a fight, and now HE WONT SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ANY help would be great