a_astorga - I don't know where you're posting from, but I have a drop-in centre in my area that I go to with dd once a week. This way she gets to socialize with other infants, the moms (& there are 2 dads) get to chat & compare stories, & the last 1/2 hour the facilitators sing songs & do rhymes & stuff with hand motions etc. that the parents & babies can all do together. It's lots of fun & we look forward to it every week. There are babies from 4 weeks to 12 months. (The really little ones just sleep & bf, but their moms have a good time!) Also, every now & then there is a specialist of some sort that might lead a conversation about, oh say immunization or feeding your baby solids, & we all just sit around & talk about that for a while as the babies play.
I think that this type of environment could be a good precursor to daycare, as it's a similar set up, but Mom stays & it's just for a few hours. If you have to or decide to move on to a daycare environment, at least the concept won't be totally foreign to your lo.
My drop-in centre is a government run one (they're called Early Years Centres here), so it's free & I can come & go as I please - no one cares if I miss a day or show up late (well, except Libby!). You might want to see if there's anything like this where you live. Also, our local library has a baby-time thing that I hear is good, although we've never been to it.
If it's a break you're looking for, maybe there is someone else who could take your lo to one of these programs - like Grandma, or you & a friend with a lo could take turns attending a function with both kids.
Hope these suggestions help you find something to suit your needs - good luck!