Best advice, try pu/pd, pat/shh. Also, try making your bedtime routine different from your naptime routine. Bedtime can be longer; maybe add a bath in there (every night, not just occasionally, not necissarily for hygenic reasons, but to calm and soothe as baths tend to do for most lo's), some storytime, maybe swaddle and rock some, whatever you wish, use this time as pure mommy/daddy time, keeping it toned down, and start the routine 1/2-1 hour before bedtime. But it might help to make the two different. It'll take some time, but eventually she'll make the distinction.
To move bedtime back, move it back slowly, not all at once. Maybe a half hour every few nights. Use her wakeup time in the AM as your target bedtime at night, maybe a half hour-an hour later than that.
You can use a mit if you wish, although if she's a thumb sucker that might be part of the problem. Something you can try, put some moisturizing cream on her face if it's a little dry, even some anti-itch cream if that helps. Just be sure to rub it in good.
Hope something in here helps!
Sonya =P