ok u guys,i have him on easy but he doesnt want his formula like he should have..this is his routine now....remind u that he will only drink 3-4 oz and then screams bloody murder,so in order for me to get him to eat i have to add oatmeal to it cuz he can drink 6 oz like its nothing...but if i feed him straight formula,it takes him almost 45 min just to get thru 3-4 oz....then he stops.
5:30am E:4 oz FM & 2 oz F then back down for nap
9:30am E:4 oz F awake for the day
10:00am A:CT,PT,TV,LF,R, & or WK
11:00am S:
1:00pm W:CT,PT,BT(every other day)
1:30pm E:4 oz FM & 2 oz F
2:00pm A:CT,PT,TV,LF,R, & or WK
3:00pm S:
4:30pm W:CT,PT
5:00pm E:6 oz FM & 1 oz F
5:30pm A:CT,PT,TV, & or LF
6:30pm S: asleep for the night
8:30pm DF:4 oz FM
F: formula
FM: formula mixed with oatmeal or rice cereal (1.5 oz of formula mix to 1 oz of water, so a
4 oz FM is actually 6 oz F ,mixed with enough cereal to make it just a little thick formula or REALLY
runny cereal.)
W: wake from nap
CT: cuddle time
PT: playtime
LF: leapfrog
R: reading time
WK: go for a walk
TV: he loves "connie the cow","jack's big music show","moose a moose","sesame play with me",
"franklin",etc....i can't beleive he loves watching tv when he is sooo young.(he likes to watch
tv while he is eating,it keeps him calm,other wise he gets so excited to eat he almost chokes )
BT: bathtime(every other day)
i keep a log of his routine every day ...everything is usually within 15-30 mins of his schedule..it really works for us..but is it ok to feed him like that?am i spending enough time with him? is he sleeping too much?should i change anything?
on this routine he gets about 28-36 oz F a day(he doesnt always finish his bottles.and that includes the F
from his FM bottles)