My DS since I brought him home would spit and spit and spit. I went on many trips to the ped's office to no avail.I could have sworn it was reflux. I could not find out what was wrong.
I tried every formula and had him on Nutramigen for awhile. As anyone knows, it is pricey. The spit up was only more expensive.I tried every formula, and nothing was working.
After much research I have found a viewpoint that I didn't think of, apparently many babies are intolerant of the DHA/ARA additive.
I switched to GS regular. It was a huge change.The spit-ups and fussines reduced so much.
If your baby tolerates it, keep it. It is needed, but a lot of babies are not tolerating it, and here is why:
It is not the same additive found in breastmilk. The fatty acid chain known as DHA/ARA in formula is made from fungus and seaweed. Not exaclty mom's recipe.
The AAP has never come out and said that they endorse the additive.They have yet to make a decison. They just said it was safe according to the FDA.
The study on the DHA/ARA additive was only 12-16 months long.
Studies also have not concluded whether the additive that is put in formula makes the difference that the additive in BM does.
So if nothing else is working for your LO, I would try switching to a formula withouth the DHA/ARA additive.
Now I have been advised that you can supplement oils that have the fatty acid in them, but I am still trying to find out if that is safe for a 3 month old or not.