you should def been aiming for 'most' of the time having at least 4 hrs between feedings as lo will take in more food and be able to go the longer periods without it at night.
it does seem that your lo is nursing for comfort at night, and along the way probably started taking some needed 'daytime' calories then in exchange for dropping them during the day. i would try comforting lo and getting back to sleep without feeding first, and if he wakes within the hr then feed. if lo sleeps longer than an hr you can be pretty sure that it wasn't a waking b/c of hunger.
how long has lo been waking for now? is it something new? could it be something in your diet as you are bfing that could be upsetting lo's belly of giving lo gas?? my lo had that problem and would comfort nurse and drain both breasts as it must have been soothing for her belly...but created night eating habits that were really hard work to get away from.
i would say that you may want to start limiting the catnap to the max of 1/2 hr. around 6-8 months lo's start showing signs that they are ready to drop the catnap by extra night wakings and not wanting to go down for that nap. if limiting the catnap to a half hr doesn't help you (if he is waking for the usual night feedings - we have to eliminate those with a different method), if it doesn't eliminate any 'extra' wakings then it may be time to drop it totally...but we will talk about that when the time is right - right now work on the 1/2 hr bit.
if you are wanting to eliminate those night feedings - i am posting a link that i am sure you will find useful. it is about weaning the night feedings and you do it by cutting down on the number of minutes that you nurse at each feeding - a couple minutes every few nights so it is slow and gradual and lo doens't really miss it. as lo is taking less at night - lo naturally starts taking in more bm during the day. here is the link: