Hi Calaums mum,
not really sure on how this web site works,when you put a post out for questions.Just found your answer to my son crying all the time.When he was been breast feed every 2hours thought the crying was cause hungry all the time.Now on bottle am giving him the amount it says on the container for his age.He is a big baby,weighs about 7.5kilos and 4months old.So now on bottle he goes a bit longer between feeds,but still cries.So not sure if it is just attention he is after,as most the time am by myself.Some days he tends to stop crying when he is picked up other days he doesnt.
Use to cry when been breast feed when feed time,so would have to wait until stopped crying to feed,but doesnt happen with the bottle.Alot better feeding on bottle then on breast.
I am near san sebastin in spain,about 20mins from the french border.
Thanks Andrea...