I've written before re: DS terrible bottle feeding, but until now he has remained to gain weight along the 50th centile. However, he has now not gained any weight in 3 weeks, and I do not know how to increase his intake. He is almost 6months 3 weeks old, and at present is totaling 17-20ounces milk a day, with 3 small meals (but sometimes he doesn't want these!). I have already spaced out feeds to between 4-5hours apart, but he still manages no more than 20ounces!
Our routine looks something like this:
7.00am wake up
7.30am milk feed (anything from 2-5ounces, usually 3 or 4!)
followed by breakfast (usually only a small yogurt or some banana)
11.30 - 12.00 milk feed (anything from 2-7ounces!)
followed by lunch (sometimes quite a lot, sometimes nothing!)
4.00pm milk feed (anything from 2-7 ounces!)
follwed by tea (again, sometimes a lot, sometimes nothing!)
8.30pm milk feed (usually 7 ounces)
However he takes it, it normally takes 3 milk feeds to reach 11 or 12 ounces, but if I knew how much he would have at each feed, I could perhaps amalgamate 2 of them, but it is very inconsistent!
I also give solids straight after the milk, as if I spaced these out, he would be even less hungry for his next feed!
I really don't know what to do, as I am returning to work on Monday, and Gabriel will be attending nursery. I don't know if I can change his routine in order to up his intake or let him continue as above (but very concerned re: lack of weight gain).
Not sure if I should drop down to 3 milk feeds a day (but he never takes a big feed for the first one of the day, and I don't want to send him off to nursery without giving him a bottle, as I am worried that he won't take anything while there!)
If any one has any ideas, If really appreciate it!
Gabriel's Mum