I have been trying to implement EASY with my six month old - I only came across it a couple of days ago so am very new and need a little advice. Abbie usually sleeps from 9pm-7am straight - she has been a full night sleeper since only a few weeks old, despite being breastfed and I am so grateful for that. Up until the last couple of weeks she has slept for 1 hour round 10am every day and usually another round 2. Then, round 5 or so she would nap for 30 mins. She gets plenty of activity and up until recently could be put into her cot to fall asleep herself and usually there would be no problems, but of the last week or so, she is not sleeping for her hour at 10 and 2 - maybe only going 20 mins or so. Then she is becomming tired earlier (and maybe having another little nap round 7-30 or eight and so pushing bedtime out til 930). Also, her feeds are quite eratic and this is probably where the problem lies. She still feeds totally on demand and I think a lot of it is purely because she can rather than for a need. The problem is I need to go back to work part-time and would like her to have a reasonably predicatble routine that I can work around - I have another problem seperate to the routine and that is that she point blank will not take a bottle. She will sip juice from a cup (usually with the lid off), but insists on her breastmilk being from the boob. I have to admit I haven't tried the haberman, but spent a fortune on every other bottle until I just resigned myself to continuing to breastfeed (I wanted to continue to breastfeed, but hoped she would take the occasional bottle of breastmilk - I am a very happy nursing mum). This morning I tried to use the EASY routine, guided by one of the posts on the sample EASY routines thread. I breastfed at 7.00, gave her breakfast at 8.30 and put her down round 9, she was having none of it and I felt that she wasn't tired enough, so I picked her up and did more activities until 9.30 and tried again in a darkened room, with lullaby playing (her favourite) and as soon as I put her down she started crying so I started pu/pd, but each time she cried for ages when I picked her up and I keep wondering is there something wrong with her that I'm missing - I know it wasn't a mantra cry - I know that one. The other thing is that she is inclined to roll onto her tummy and get stuck and then get upset. I have rolled up blankets either side of her to prevent this, but she puts her two feet up on the bars of the cot and uses them as leverage to roll over the blankets. She is very averse to swaddling. She hates her arms being confined (again, I could be doing something wrong here). I feel she is a little constipated and have made changes in her diet to try and rectify it, but so far I'm still not happy with the consistency - and I know that will probably affect her sleep slightly. Any suggestions? By the way, this morning I gave in a gave her a breastfeed, during which she fell asleep and then I put her down - not a good habit I know. So by all accounts her rountine is more like E A E A E S A - you get my drift...