My DD (13 months) was a phenomenal eater until about a week ago. She DID start on finger foods very early because she started refusing a spoon about about 8 months.
From 8 months until a week ago she would eat ANYTHING, honestly!! I was very pleased and it was sooooo easy for me to make sure she was getting a balanced diet, loved veggies, fruit any kind of meat. We also don't do enriched flour (white breads/pastas etc...) and she still gobbled up whole grain/brown breads/pastas/rice.
In the last week all she will really eat is fruit, namely bananas, maybe some yogurt and finally she ate cereal this morning. Even crackers and a granola bar (her 'treats') get a turned up nose and hurled from the tray! She has two molars and one of her eye teeth just cutting the surface so I know that has alot to do with appetite, textures but she ate 1/2 an apple, 1/2 a banana and 1/2 a pear for lunch after refusing everything else, so her appetite is there and an apple/pear are not soft. Even EGGS, good old faithful eggs are a no go.
She has water handy at every meal and usually has some throughout.
She is also a milk JUNKIE. SHe has about 600ml a day and would gladly probably drink it all day long if she could get her hands on it but she never has milk before a meal.
I have even put her watching an Einstein video while she sits down to eat.
I suppose it could be worse right? I am not sure how 'worried' I am just more confused than anything. Fruit IS good for you, maybe I am just looking for someone to say hey that's fine as long as she is eating something!
Anyway, just wondering if someone has amy thoughts, experience on the whole thing....