Sophie and Jo - I agree with Kimberly, definitely on the right track there. I had to just eliminate the AM nap with my LO as she wouldn't sleep at all in the afternoon if she napped at all in the morning. So you're in for some cranky days as she makes the transition, but it will totally be worth it when you get there. If she's ok playing in her crib, I wouldn't worry about putting her there earlier if you think she needs to be there, she might just be winding down for an extra long time, since she's probably overtired.
Gage's mom - we have a similar routine and DD generally naps around 1/1:30, but it did take us a bit to stretch her out that long. I would try to push him back slowly until you get to somewhere around 12:30/1, just by 15 minute increments at a time. I found that getting out in the AM when transitioning helped tremendously as it kept her awake and interested. The only tough thing was getting her to stay awake in the car on the way home if we had gone somewhere.
To both of you -- I know there's a great thread in the nap forum for people switching from 2 to 1 naps, you might want to check it out if you have any other questions