This is very similar to my situation when I started EASY. Our first step was to get a proper EASY schedule (the book makes it sound like you should put him on a 4 hour easy, and really a 7 month old may need something different with more awake time) and then to do pu/pd (pick up/ put down)to train him to fall asleep on his own.
We ran into trouble when my little one started teething 10 days into the process so we've had to take a bit of a break and are rather in limbo, but we had AMAZING success with night time sleep right away. My LO was having a lot of troubles learning to nap independently and with the teething I didn't feel like I could push him . . . so we're in limbo a bit like I said . . . but enough about me.
I would suggest that you read the FAQs on the pu/pd board and then post over there. The moderators are AMAZING and will help you figure out what your routine should look like and how to get started. For me, pu/pd was really the cornerstone of getting started.
(Truly, we my LO--then 7.5 months--was also waking 3-6 times a night and nursing FOREVER to get back to sleep and for the first three nights of EASY and PU/PD he had only one wake up to feed and then for the next 7 days . . . none.)