Venting again - but I have got to do something differently... She only slept for 40 min this afternoon. We were invited out for turkey day, resulting in a later than normal bedtime. Then she woke up about 30 min after going down and has been up and down since, which I know is a result of being overtired and I'm the one to blame. I've been going over the night waking boards and realized that the reason she wakes up within 2 hours of being put down for the night is because she is overtired and hasn't had enough sleep during the day. My poor baby. It doesn't help when my husband says that she's doing just fine - and she is, even when she's overtired, she's cooing, smiling, being social. It's when she wakes up after being put to bed that the difficulty begins.
Sorry - I guess this isn't the place to be venting like this.
So I'm trying to figure out a plan of action. I'm going to try to keep the first morning A time, from the time she wakes up to her first nap about 3.5 hours. If her first nap is too short or non-existant (i.e she plays the whole time), is it better to take her out of her bedroom after 40 min for 5-10 minutes and then try putting her down again and hope she sleeps, or do I keep her out longer?
I've also been reading some other posts - could this all be developmental issues? She's getting close to walking, I've noticed that she's learnt new play skills with her stacking cups... Maybe I should just put her to bed earlier in the evening when she doesn't nap well during the day.