I apologize this maybe long.
DH and I are at out wits end right now with dd. Due to the lack of sleep, my patience is running very thin.
For the last 2.5 weeks dd has been waking up every night at different times and stays up anywhere from 2-4 hours.
When I first hear her in the night she is just talking to herself for about 20 min. During this time I do not go in her room, then she takes her soother out of her mouth and throws it across her room and then she starts to cry.
At this point I go in her room where she is standing in her crib looking at me. I get her soother, and lay her in crib and leave, then she starts to cry, louder and louder. I have tried WI/WO every 10 seconds, but the crying gets worse and worse when I leave. Sometimes I give in and go in her room, take her out of her crib sit with her on the chair for a few minutes where sometimes she is crying sometimes she is not or I have taken her out of her crib put her on the floor and let her play for about 5 minutes or so( I know the worse thing I probably can do) then put her back in the crib. Everytime I lay her in the crib she stands up right away. I have tried everything.
This goes on for anywhere from 2-4 hours a night. I know that she is tired, but it just looks like she doesn't know how to get back to sleep on her own for some reason even though naps and going to bed at night don't seem to be a problem.
Possible reason I thought for the night wakings
1. teething
2. Separation anxiety
3. she is just learning to walk
4. Too much daytime sleep
Teething, even if I give dd sometime for the teething, the night waking still happen
Separation anxiety- the behavior of crying is only at night, she does not show any signs of this during the day when I am not around
Walking- I have read many times that this can cause night waking
Daytime sleep- I have cut her sleep from 3.5 hrs to 2.5 hours and still the night wakings are happening
7AM Wake
715 bottle
730-830 play
830 breakfast
930 -1030 nap
1030 small snack
1030-noon play
noon lunch
1230-2 play
2-330 nap
330-530 snack and playtime
530 dinner
6-7 play
7-8 bath, story, bottle and bed
I don't know what to do, I start back to work in a week and I am beyond exhausted. Will this end, any suggestions on what I can do?