My DD is almost 9 months. On 3-5, I introduced lunch. She had been eating breakfast and dinner along with four daily bottles (6-8 oz each). On 3-10, she started decreasing her formula intake... she went from 24-30 oz a day to 13-22 oz. Last week we were on vacation and she never finished more than 6 oz in one sitting - usually it was just 3-4 oz. This was regardless of how much solids she ate. I was worried about how much she was eating, so I increased her solids to make sure she was getting enough food (she slept through the night no matter what she ate - I think from pure exhaustion from all of the activity).
This week we are back home and back to our routine, but she is still not eating her formula very well.
On Saturday she ate:
9:00 (we let her sleep in because we got in late from vaca) 3 oz
10:00 4 tbsp oatmeal, 3 tbsp veggie and 3 tbsp fruit
1:00 3 oz
2:00 4 tbsp oatmeal, 3 tbsp chicken and rice and 3 tbsp fruit
4:30 4 oz
6:15 2 tbsp chicken and rice, 3 tbsp veggie and 3 tbsp fruit
7:45 4 oz
Sunday she ate:
8:30 4 oz
9:45 4 tbsp oatmeal, 3 veggie and rice, 3 tbsp fruit
1:25 4 1/2 oz
2:30 4 tbsp oatmeal, 3 tbsp chicken and rice and 3 tbsp fruit
5:15 1 1/2 oz
6:00 3 tbsp chicken and rice, 3 tbsp veggie and 3 tbsp fruit
7:50 4 oz
Before we went on vacation, I was thinking she was to a point where I could take her down to 3 bottles a day, so I tried reversing solids and formula for lunch today... so far we are at
8:00 6 1/2 oz
9:00 4 tbsp oatmeal, 3 tbsp fruit and 3 tbsp veggie
1:00 4 tbsp oatmeal, 3 tbsp chicken and rice and 3 tbsp fruit
2:20 3 oz
Should I hold back on the solids so that she takes more formula? I know that formula is the main source of nutrition until they are a year old, but that doesn't just happen overnight... I am so confused with the whole feeding thing. I have her 9 month appointment next week, so I plan to ask the doctor about all of this, but I am worried about her nutrition in the mean time. She has gained 1 1/2 pounds in the past month, so she is thriving, but I am definitely worried if I am feeding her too much food and not enough formula.
Also, what's the deal with cheese and yogurt? I read the feeding routines board and saw that a lot of people were feeding their LOs this. I thought they couldn't have milk until they were a year old? Do you feed them low-fat cheese and yogurt made with skim milk?