Author Topic: 15 month old-sleeps only 40 minutes naps at times  (Read 13630 times)

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Re: 15 month old-sleeps only 40 minutes naps at times
« Reply #90 on: May 02, 2008, 12:17:52 pm »
Great, now me and DH just had a fight (my fault, I ALWAYS lose it when DS is crying). 

It's only 8:15am.  :P
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Re: 15 month old-sleeps only 40 minutes naps at times
« Reply #91 on: May 02, 2008, 12:28:04 pm »
Oh Annie... take a walk with him. It will help you get some fresh air and I bet he'll stop crying too

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Re: 15 month old-sleeps only 40 minutes naps at times
« Reply #92 on: May 02, 2008, 12:30:41 pm »
Sorry Annie.. didn't see the other post.

I just love Tiramisu... and every time I look at my own avatar, I want to have some!!! Perhaps I should go back to the tulips ::)

Ok... I don't think you should try for a morning nap that early. He's definitely ready for more A time. Personally I would stick to 1 nap.. but thats just me!


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Re: 15 month old-sleeps only 40 minutes naps at times
« Reply #93 on: May 02, 2008, 15:09:17 pm »
I loved the tulips too ( my fave also)!  But the Tiramisu is wonderful.  Hmmm can't decide.  :)

Me and DH made up (he forgave me, I slapped his arm and everything! :-[ , gosh I'm a mess)

So I took him out of the crib and we went to playgroup (he was sooooo much better after the crib incident  :'( ), he fell asleep when we got home at 10:40am.

Yes, I am unsure about two naps (I promised myself in January I was NOT going back to them), but it does make sense that for one night, it MIGHT work to get him to a later bedtime.  I just can't seem to push that one nap forward yet without a short nap and the grouchies. 

I was just trying to go by cues like KATAKINS said, he never melts down at 8am, I NEVER pop him in the crib at that time.  I still can't believe I have him in before 11am most days, lately!!  But it does seem to be staving off the one hour and ten minute naps.

Oh, I can't decide.  What to do, start to push the nap, or two naps on Sunday??? 

 We have that dinner at 3:30pm on Sunday, it will be about a half hour drive both ways, so 6pm bedtime is going to be tough........ :-\, we'll have to get there, scoff and run (don't get me wrong, I'm GREAT at stuffing food in my gullet  ;D , it's the running part, when everyone is saying, "Oh, don't be silly, stay for another hour or so"  "why does he have to go to bed sooooooooooooo early??"  ::)  ) .

Anyway.  Thanks for popping on when you have time, Layla!  :)  Have a great weekend with your girls!!

KAT, How was B last night?
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Re: 15 month old-sleeps only 40 minutes naps at times
« Reply #94 on: May 02, 2008, 17:30:02 pm »
Oh Annie it's so hard when they are so whiney, I know!!  I would say go by Bear's cues...if he seems like he's up to trying something different, go with it.  And if you screw up, (totally said tongue-in-cheek, there's no such thing in my opinion!) then tomorrow's another day!

And honestly, go with the flow during your dinner.  I have to say that I do stuff like that and I manage to accidentally stumble on a solution for B's sleep.  It took me ages to figure out she needed a short am A time, and it was totally by accident.  So it could be a blessing in disguise!

B did great last night...amazingly so after skipping her nap!  She told me she was ready for night-night so I skipped bath and did books and milk and she went right down.  She woke at 8:30pm but let me pat her back so maybe a bad dream?  Or a titch of OT?  who knows...but she slept to her normal time.  <whew>  I still think it's teeth.

Layla the super mod, two kids, work, you name it!  So glad you're still hanging with us!  ;)

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Re: 15 month old-sleeps only 40 minutes naps at times
« Reply #95 on: May 03, 2008, 09:11:58 am »
Wow guys.

An hour and a half nap.  Woke at 12:10.  :(

I had him in the crib at 5:20pm, he sang until 6pm (guess even 5:20 was too late, but I was NOT putting him in the effing crib at 4:50pm).

Awake at 12:30am, 3:45am and then

4:50am for the day.  :'(

That and my husband coughing all night with a cold, me battling one off, I'm exhausted to say the least.

I wish he would just fall asleep in our bed.  :'(

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Re: 15 month old-sleeps only 40 minutes naps at times
« Reply #96 on: May 04, 2008, 00:54:59 am »
Annie, if it were me, I wouldn't put him down for the nap any earlier than 11am :-\. Do you think the "tired" signs in the morning could be bored signs???

I am really sorry you're going through this :'(

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Re: 15 month old-sleeps only 40 minutes naps at times
« Reply #97 on: May 07, 2008, 13:56:33 pm »

Hiya girls!

Hey Stacy-thanks for dropping by!  I’m not worthy!  ;)

I’ve given a great deal of thought to everything you said.  A lot of it makes good sense to me.

I agree that our whole day has shifted early.  I am also glad to hear that 1 hour 15 minutes isn’t so bad of a nap.

OK, so if I’m missing tired cues, let me be sure I’ve got them straight.  Tired cues in a toddler: Grouchies, yawning and eye rubbing? (I’m sure this is a dumb question, just wanted to be sure)   We do get a yawn or two a day (at seemingly random times) the past few days.  Actually we got 4 this morning before 9am, so he’s not doing well at all.  :(

What about singing in the crib for too long, or waking up crying? OT??

Second question, at this age, I didn’t realize I was supposed to be popping him in the crib at tired cues, so when you say “not catching tired cues”, is this what you mean?? 

I’m very nervous about two naps.  He SOBS and SOBS before the second one, and it really makes me anxious the whole time, and I start dreading days again. 

But, TBH, I’ve never tried the naps at the times you are suggesting. I tried two naps the other day, with the catnap being the second nap, put him down at 7pm, and he only did 10 hours that night.

So, I will give your ideas a go.  Mine are certainly not working.

Last question:  I’m not sure I completely understand the “asleep 12 hours after they wake” theories I’ve heard.  Do they need to consistently be in the crib at 12 hours from wake in your opinion, or only when they are OT?  Because then I don’t really understand if they only do 11 or 11.5 at night, isn’t that going to shift my day earlier and earlier again??

OK, those are my questions for now, I appreciate any help at all, I’m in a very bad way here, and some days it looks good, but most days are a real struggle.  My boy is one of the strongest most spirited boys I’ve ever met.

He is in the crib right now at 9:50am attempting to go down for twenty. Fingers crossed.
(PS, KAT, thank you for your help, darling.  Wouldn’t ya know it?  Remember the neighbor upstairs' maid?  I asked her to come earlier in the am so as not to interfere with Bear’s nap??  She’s upstairs now, clunking around directly over his head at the time I ASKED HER TO COME, because I thought the days of 10am naps were over!  Doh!!)

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Re: 15 month old-sleeps only 40 minutes naps at times
« Reply #98 on: May 07, 2008, 14:57:17 pm »
Gotcha, Stacy.  :)

OK, I'm starting him on the am catnap, and then longer pm nap as of today.

He just took twenty from 10:10 to 10:30 (took some maneuvering to convince him as he's OT already this am ::), but I think it might work)

I've never tried the naps this way, so I'm staying positive!! ;D

I'll have him in the crib by 12:15ish to be asleep by 12:30ish, correct?

Then, I will look for tired cues, and if you think it's not a terrible idea, I may still put him down a little early tonight, poor guy. Like at 4 1/2 hours a-time or so.

I don't mind the early wakes as much as long as he's in a good mood, honest.

Daylight savings isn't too far away, is it??  ;)  Oh, wait, that's fall BACK  :o :o :o :o.
LOL, hope this is better by then.  :)

Thanks sooooo very much!

(PS, we call our guy "the little monster", too.  He's a maniac.  ;D )

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Re: 15 month old-sleeps only 40 minutes naps at times
« Reply #99 on: May 07, 2008, 15:49:29 pm »
Good luck!! 

And he's a CUTE maniac!!  :D

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Re: 15 month old-sleeps only 40 minutes naps at times
« Reply #100 on: May 07, 2008, 16:02:58 pm »
Awwww, shucks.  :-*
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Re: 15 month old-sleeps only 40 minutes naps at times
« Reply #101 on: May 07, 2008, 16:39:49 pm »
(with a really, really old avatar)


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Re: 15 month old-sleeps only 40 minutes naps at times
« Reply #102 on: May 07, 2008, 17:41:35 pm »
I'm feelin it Annie !! Good luck, like Kat says. With you in spirit.

BTW, Bubba went down at thr 4.5hr mark today after a nasty NW last night (and a few 10-hr nights and EWs of late). He clearly needed it as he's still down.

Oh the joy of being in the dungeon with Pasha.

Not sure which I'm enjoying the most !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love ya babe. And yes, change that bleep avatar girl !

D xxxx
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Re: 15 month old-sleeps only 40 minutes naps at times
« Reply #103 on: May 07, 2008, 17:43:23 pm »
Just an update as Annie called me in a snit...and her computer is down...

She had to run an errand so was aiming for the second routine you posted - 10:10-10:30 catnap then down at 12:40 for full nap, only he didn't go down and was still singing in his crib an hour later when she called.  She discovered yesterday when he's OT he'll let her pat his back until drowsy (he has NEVER taken to APing, just like Kaleb), so she's going to go try that now to get him down, as today is a wash imho.

I'm guessing since he does 5hrs A time on a one nap day, going 5hrs then taking a catnap threw him guess is if he's going to try an am catnap he needs it earlier in the day (more like your first routine you posted Stacy), and if he does 5hrs A time he needs a full nap.  

And so I think she's going to try these am catnaps, but if they don't work she'll try plan B - getting him solidly on one nap with 5am wakes and then gradually pushing it back.

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Re: 15 month old-sleeps only 40 minutes naps at times
« Reply #104 on: May 07, 2008, 17:47:03 pm »
Deb we PAST - good luck with getting Bubba caught up!!  And look who's talking about the bleeping avatar...where's your ticker for Pasha??  ;)