Hiya girls!
Hey Stacy-thanks for dropping by! I’m not worthy!

I’ve given a great deal of thought to everything you said. A lot of it makes good sense to me.
I agree that our whole day has shifted early. I am also glad to hear that 1 hour 15 minutes isn’t so bad of a nap.
OK, so if I’m missing tired cues, let me be sure I’ve got them straight. Tired cues in a toddler: Grouchies, yawning and eye rubbing? (I’m sure this is a dumb question, just wanted to be sure) We do get a yawn or two a day (at seemingly random times) the past few days. Actually we got 4 this morning before 9am, so he’s not doing well at all.

What about singing in the crib for too long, or waking up crying? OT??
Second question, at this age, I didn’t realize I was supposed to be popping him in the crib at tired cues, so when you say “not catching tired cues”, is this what you mean??
I’m very nervous about two naps. He SOBS and SOBS before the second one, and it really makes me anxious the whole time, and I start dreading days again.
But, TBH, I’ve never tried the naps at the times you are suggesting. I tried two naps the other day, with the catnap being the second nap, put him down at 7pm, and he only did 10 hours that night.
So, I will give your ideas a go. Mine are certainly not working.
Last question: I’m not sure I completely understand the “asleep 12 hours after they wake” theories I’ve heard. Do they need to consistently be in the crib at 12 hours from wake in your opinion, or only when they are OT? Because then I don’t really understand if they only do 11 or 11.5 at night, isn’t that going to shift my day earlier and earlier again??
OK, those are my questions for now, I appreciate any help at all, I’m in a very bad way here, and some days it looks good, but most days are a real struggle. My boy is one of the strongest most spirited boys I’ve ever met.
He is in the crib right now at 9:50am attempting to go down for twenty. Fingers crossed.
(PS, KAT, thank you for your help, darling. Wouldn’t ya know it? Remember the neighbor upstairs' maid? I asked her to come earlier in the am so as not to interfere with Bear’s nap?? She’s upstairs now, clunking around directly over his head at the time I ASKED HER TO COME, because I thought the days of 10am naps were over! Doh!!)